Baked Oatmeal

Hmmmmmmm... Maybe I'll implement the recipe.module for this site. For now, Kris' family's recipe for baked oatmeal. Mmmmmmmmmm........

3 eggs
1 C oil
2 C milk
2 tsp. vanilla
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 C brown sugar
3 tsp. cinnamon
4 tsp. baking powder
5 C uncooked oatmeal

Mix wet ingredients and dry ingredients separately.
Add wet to dry while stirring.  Pour into greased
casserole dish and bake at 350º for 30 minutes or until
golden brown.

Jen comments, "We usually put some milk on it and heat it up (if it didn't just come out of the oven). Shaun even adds more cinnamon or brown sugar sometimes. Whatever floats your boat. Enjoy!!! By the way--this makes quite a bit so if you aren't having company and don't want to eat baked oatmeal for several days, I would half the recipe."

Zucchini bread

From James Pine

Zucchini Bread

Bowl 1 {medium bowl}:
3 cups flour
1 and one-half cups sugar
1 cup chopped walnuts
4 and one-half teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
Mix well.

Bowl 2 {big bowl}:
2 eggs and 2 egg whites
two-thirds cup canola oil
3 cups grated zucchini
2 teaspoons grated lemon peel or 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Mix together eggs and oil.  Fold in the zucchini and lemon.  Stir gently
until the zukes are well coated with liquid.

Pre-heat oven to 350F.  Grease TWO loaf pans.  Stir bowl 1 ingredients
into bowl 2 ingredients just until mixture is moist.  Divide mixture
between two pans.  Bake 45-60 minutes until pick inserted in center
comes out clean.  Run spatula around the edges of the bread.  Remove
bread from pans within 10 minutes.  Place breads on cooling rack.

James comment: "ok, that's clipped in all its gory detail. I didn't want to send you the
contents of the shorthand index card, so I found the original. enjoy."

Words of wisdom from my female friends

Here are the pearls of wisdom I received at my bachelorette party from my female friends. It's been a long time since the party. Lisa hosted it. It was a great party.

  • The way to a man's heart is through is stomach
  • Life is funny. Laugh together often.
  • Make sure you each have "alone time." Very important!
  • Be selective about the sentimental items from his past that you allow him to keep.
  • Hiring a cleaning person will help you maintain a happy, healthy marriage.
  • His favorite move is "plaid schoolbus." Trust me.
  • Smooch often!
  • Don't argue over dirty dishes.
  • Hire a cleaning lady!
  • Talk about it! (Don't mind-read - ask!)
  • Keep track of your underwear!
  • Don't surface too quickly.
  • Sing like no one is listening.
    Love like you'll never be hurt.
    Dance like no one is watching.
    Live like heaven on Earth.
  • Be comfortable enough to fart in his presense. But don't abuse the privilege.
  • Always remember your love will help you overcome any obstacle between you and Kris.
  • I'll give you some advice for your man,
    Let him scrub every dish, cup and pan.
    When it comes to your cooch,
    Don't be a mooch,
    Let him linger as long as he can.
  • Argue naked.
  • Hold hands every day.
  • Happiness is a pedicure after an ultimate tournament. Happy feet equals a happy marriage.
  • Always make time for at least one date night a week.
  • Surprise each other!

Bobby & Ameeta

> Hey Kris --
> How was the honeymoon?  Do you have some online photos
> somewhere?
> Here's the news on my end:
> - We finally bought a place in Los Altos:
> xxx xxxxxxxxx xxx
> Los Altos, CA 94022
> We're doing some kitchen renovations, so we won't move
> in for about 4-5 months, but tomorrow, I'm having our
> stuff taken out of storage, and dumped in our home
> temporarily.  Although we're still in a rental in
> Indian Creek, you'll have to come over to see the new
> place in Los Altos some time.
> - Big news -- we're expecting!  December 5 is the
> current due date.  We're very excited, and hoping that
> things go smoothly between now and then.
> Drop me a note when you get a chance and let me know
> how things are going on your end.
> Cheers,
> Bobby


Archery lessons

The second to last day Kris and I were in Scotland, we visited Stirling Castle. Magnificent!

One of the events of the day was two men dressed as medieval warriors: a foot soldier and an archer. The archer's name was Hugh. He was quite entertaining. More than just talking briefly about archery, he gave lots of history and entertaining sidenotes. Here are the ones Kris and I wrote down to remember.

  • Pick a quarrel

    Crossbow archers would carry their arrows in a quarrel, which is a four-sided leather pouch that hung off their belt. As the archers headed off to the battlefield, they would pick up their allotment of arrows that were made by arrow makers. The allotment was in delivered in the quarrel, so archers would go off to "pick a quarrel."

  • Longbow archer pay

    English longbow archers started training at age 5, and practiced pretty much every day. Good archers were able to keep three in the air. In particular, the timing was such that as one arrow was arriving at its target, another was in the air on its way, while a third was being cocked on the bow. Another quality of a good archer was the ability to watch the air for incoming, return arrows.

    Longbow archers were paid 2 pence a day vs the 1 pence a day regular foot soldiers were paid. The double pay was the source of considerable animosity between archers and foot soldiers, as archers typically stood back 400 yards or so from the hand-to-hand battle - considered a safe distance where one doesn't need to "risk his life" (at least, not as much).

    If an archer was captured in battle, often his pulling fingers were cut off. As most archers could find employment only as a soldier, many would return to the lines as a regular foot soldier. Regular foot soldiers would see the missing fingers and be socially hostile to the new soldier.

  • Two finger salute

    As mentioned above in the previous section, longbow archers' fingers were cut off when the archers were captured in battle. They were then often released. Cutting off the pulling fingers was pretty close to a living death sentence.

    In some battles, when the enemy was defeated, the English longbowmen would hold up two fingers in an aggressive gesture (the two finger salute), so show the enemy they still hand their fingers (and would fight again another day).

  • Kiss it goodbye

    When pulling back an arrow in the bow, with a bow of proper strength, the farthest back an archer should need to pull the arrow is back to the mouth. As the back of the arrow (the feathers) is next to the archer's mouth, where he could kiss it goodbye.

  • Keep it under your hat

    Archers were paid by how efficient they were. One way to see how many arrows were shot, is to count the number of bowstrings that broke. If you broke a large number, obviously you shot a lot of arrows. Often, if an archer noticed the archer next to him had a large number of broken bowstrings, he might cut his bowstring, so that he also gets paid for the extra strings.

    To prevent fellow archers from seeing how many bowstrings an archer had (thus could use), an archer would hide extra strings under his hat, taking them out only when needed. So, each would "keep it under his hat."

  • Cock up

    Typical arrows have three feathers. When they are cocked in the bow and released, one or more of the arrows will graze the bowstring if the arrow isn't aligned correctly. In order to help the archer (who is firing very rapidly and doesn't have much time to think) align the arrow correctly, one feather is different than the other two (say, black with two white ones). The colored arrow indicating direction is called the cock. The proper alignment is the cock feather pointing up, or "cock up".

Entertaining lessons. Thanks, Hugh!

Extractions from "Time for a Redesign: Dr. Jakob Nielsen"

Good interview with Jacob Neilsen, whose website is a great resource for how to build good websites.

Nielsen's "Alertbox"

Adaptive Path's incisive essays on information design, architecture and usability

Slashdot blurb:

CIO Insight's executive editor Brad Wieners interviews Web site design usability evangelist Jakob Nielsen about design mistakes like poor search, discusses organizational resistance and common barriers to doing usability reviews, concluding with Nielsen's Adobe PDF and pop-up pet peeves, common redesign errors and budget advice when it's time for a redesign, either for your Web site or company intranet. And just to make it more usable and readable (so you don't have to click through multiple pages), you can read the entire Jakob Nielsen interview on one printer-friendly page with fewer graphics and a bandwidth-saving document size for people using dial-up Internet connections.

Notes from this article, originally at,1406,a=129234,00.asp

Pet Peeves in General

  • Fail to include a tag line that explicitly summarizes what the site or company does.
  • Neglect to use a liquid layout that lets users adjust the home page size.
  • Don't use color to distinguish visited and unvisited links.
  • Use graphics to decorate, rather than illustrate real content.
  • Give an active link to the home page on the home page.

Source: Dr. Jakob Nielsen's "Alertbox," November 2003

B2B Tips

To make the most of your B2B Web site, nielsen recommends that you "Help your fans help you" win their business. Provide the resources prospective clients' need to sell your products and services internally. Offer these aids:

  • Downloadable product photos, preferably ones that show the product being used.
  • White papers that demonstrate ROI. Make these short, and don't use PDF; standard Web pages make it easier for advocates to cut and paste text and images into their memos and presentations.
  • Links to external press coverage that demonstrates that independent sources have covered you positively.
  • Downloadable tables showing your product's main specifications, benefits and price, along with competitive comparisons.
  • Downloadable slide shows, preferably in PowerPoint format.
  • Ongoing updates through an e-mail newsletter, which can offer advocates hints about tidbits to feed their bosses.

Source: Norman Nielsen Group Inc.
