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Lisa steps in with a plyo workout.


Today we did a session of Lisa's "Conditioning Program for Ultimate." The program is a Core/plyos/agility program, at the intermediate level for which base strength and fitness are assumed.

The focus of this session was:

  • Build lower-body explosiveness for optimal acceleration, change of direction, and jumping ability
  • Build core strength (esp obliques) for optimal performance and injury prevention

We started with a warm-up (approx 15 minutes):

  • Light cardio
    • Jog in place, for 60 seconds
    • Jumping jacks, for 60 seconds
    • Squat thrusts, for 60 seconds
      For these, start standing. Drop into a low squat, then place your hands on the ground. Next, thrusht your feet out behind you, so that you're in a push-up position. Hop back to put your feet back under you, hands still on the ground, then stand up.
    • Jog in place, for 60 seconds

  • Dynamic stretch
    Dynamic stretching is better for you when warming up than static stretching (where you ease into a position, then pull the muscles just a little past that position to stretch the muscle. Dynamic stretching is moving the muscles as you ease them into extended positions (like arm circles, leg swings, etc.). The trick, of course, is not to swing/stretch too far beyond the muscle's current flexibility (i.e. not more than a bare hint beyond).
    • Strides at 50% speed (4 x 100m)
    • Actively stretch legs, knees, ankles, hips, arms, shoulders, neck as needed

  • Form running:
    • High knees (2 x 40m, i.e. there and back)
    • Butt kicks (2 x 40m)
    • Side shuffle (2 x 40m, face same way there and back)
    • Carioca (cross-over grapevines) (2 x 40m, face same way there and back)
    • Exaggerated skip (2 x 40m)

Next we focused on Core work. The focus on this section was strong abs, flat back, and minimizing extraneous motion.

Although we did three sets of each of these, only one set was one of each at a time: one bicycle, then one of the three pushups, then one of the three planks. That's one. Do three.

  • Bicycle criss-cross (3 x 60 seconds)
    These differ from Gino's bicycles, and they are slow and controlled. Starting with the typical bicycle (lying on your back, hands behind head, lift left elbow to right knee, then switch lifting right elbow to left knee, repeat quickly), extend the lower leg out, touch elbow to knee, and breathe out. Then switch to the other leg. The trick on these is to extend the lower leg so that it is straight. That'll take time.
  • Push-up sequence (3 x 20)
    These were hard:

    • Regular
    • Rotational: start in a push-up up position. Balance on one hand and twist to put the other hand straight up into the sky. Look up. Twist back, returning to the original position. Switch arms and repeat. 20 = 10 left + 10 right.
    • Oblique: lie on your side, propped up on an elbow. Now, left your hips straight up and hold for 60 seconds. Ugh. Repeat for other side. If lifting from the feet is to hard, bend your knees so that when lifting you're balanced on knees and elbows.
  • Bridge sequence (3 x 60 seconds)
    The trick on these is to flatten your back before you lift up. That way, you've set your back position. If your lower back starts to hurt, this is bad. Drop back down to the ground, flatten your back to the ground, then lift back up.
    • static
    • lift arms overhead to the touch the ground over your head
    • alternate leg extensions - keep knees still!
  • Plank sequence (3 x 60 seconds)
    Lie on your stomach, then prop your elbows under you. Left your hips so that your body is straight. Yay!

    • set 1 = prone
    • set 2 = left side
    • set 3 = right side

And then we came to the meat of the workout, the plyometrics. Lisa had us working hard in this part! The focus of this part was power, balance, single-leg strength, and eccentric strength.

  • Jump-sprint combo: cycle through 2 sets of 5 each; sprint 40m after every 5 jumps
    • Knee tucks (2 x 5) : drive knees upward to chest
    • Squat jumps (2 x 5) : explode up as much as possible
    • Star jumps (2 x 5) : spread eagle: feel your massive hang time :
    • Split jumps (2 x 5) : land with same foot forward
    • Alternating lunge jumps (2 x 5) : land with alternate foot forward
    • Lateral bounds (2 x 5) : push off outside foot (single-leg)
    • Side hops (2 x 5) : back & forth jump over imaginary cone (double-leg)
    • Dip & sky (2 x 5) : grab the low disc then the high disc

  • Lunges and squats:
    • Lunge twists (2 x 40m) : twist outside for one set, inside for the other (single-leg)
    • Frog jump squats (2 x 40m) : standing broad jump: go for distance and soft landing (double-leg)

The last section of the workout was the agility section. It focused on acceleration and change of direction, both critical in ultimate.

  • Shuttle runs (10 x 5-10-5m) : stay low, push off hard
  • Explosions (10 x 40m) : from sprinter's position, accelerate, through finish-line tape at 25m, then coast

An active cool-down is important in preventing "pools" of blood from forming in muscles from a sudden cessation of exercise (the heart is pumping hard to get blood to the muscles, then the muscles suddenly don't need it).

  • Strides at 50% speed (4 x 100m)
  • Easy jog (5-10min)
  • Stretch, throw, drink water

Lisa had some extra notes in her summary of the workout:

    "In general, rest between reps should be close to zero. Rest between sets should simulate ultimate: sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. Use your judgment, but try not to always recover fully before moving to the next exercise."