What the?


Much to my surprise, I had a date with number 8 yesterday. For those paying attention, that's two in two days. Two less than 30 hours apart. Two moments of blindness so close together.

I went to practice yesterday evening. I didn't play particularly hard. I couldn't: my ribs hurt, my left shin hurt, my head hurt, and I'm woefully out of shape.

Still, I played as hard as I could. My defense was sorely lacking. I was able to anticipate fairly well, but couldn't quite turn sharply enough to keep up.

After practice, we came home and I started doing a little work on the UPA site, catching up a bit on the problems.

After a bit, I noticed I couldn't see very well. So, I went out to talk to Kris, asked him to look at a site bug for me, popped another codeine (did I mention I'm almost out?), and went to sleep.

I woke at about 1 am and worked again on the UPA site, until 3 or so.

Sigh. Migraines winning 8 to 4.