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ASA MVP after Christmas


We worked with Pat today, as G had to dash to get home before 17 closed (blame it on the rain!).

I started late, Kris had already started. We did seriously abbreviated ladders: 6 half ladders (only 9 squares instead of 19). I didn't feel completely warmed up, which is a bummer, because I really like ladders.

The first exercise was the L drill: run straight for 10 yards, turn to the side and sprint to the cone 8 yards away, turn around, run back to the corner cone, turn and sprint back to the starting point. 2 to the right, 2 to the left.

The shuffle T-drill figure 8 was next. Sprint forward 10 yards, around the top of the cone, shuffle to the right behind the cone 4 yards away, shuffle around the bottom of this side cone, then back to the top of the center cone. Continue shuffling to the bottom of the left cone, shuffle around this side cone, then back to the center cone. Shuffle around the top of the center cone, and run backwards to the starting cone. That's 1. 4 to the right first, 4 to the left first, for a total of 8.

Horse-shoes and one-footed side-to-sides came next. This was a bit of a mini-circuit. The first half was hop between two cones 2 feet apart on one foot for 15 seconds, then switch feet and hop between the two cones on the other foot for 15 seconds. Immediately switch to the other half of the circuit, for another 30 seconds. Do 8 of these sets.

The second half of the circuit was the horse-shoe jumps, which had four cones spaced 2 feet apart, each at the corner of a square. Starting at the top left cone, two-foot hop backwards to the bottom left cone. Then hop to the right bottom cone, then the top right cone. Reverse back to the bottom right cone, bottom left cone, top left cone. Continue for 30 seconds (while the other person is doing the one-legged hops between cones at the other half of the mini-circuit).

The killer part of the workout was next. We did 30 seconds of ankle jumps (legs locked, use your arms to jump up quickly, height doesn't matter, just quickness), 30 seconds of high-knee hops (feet together, jump bringing knees as high as possible, height does matter, not speed), and 30 seconds of squat jumps. We did 8 sets of these. I was unable to do the squat jumps at all. Kris cramped at set 7 or so, but finished.

Last was a shuffle shuttle. Start at the middle, shuffle 5 yards to the left, shuffle back 10 yards to the right, shuffle back 5 yards to the left. I kept up with Kris for the most part. We did only four of these.

Last was abs. We did a 4 mini-sets of 15 seconds each of raised leg toe touches, bicycles, lawn chairs (lie down on your back, arms over your head, raise your legs and arms up at the same time, so that you look like you're sitting in a Kraft-matic adjustable bed), sprinters (bicycles, but hold the twist for 1 second before switching), 6" leg holds, 12" leg holds.

I continued afterward with an upperbody weight workout: chest press, lat pull-dows, seated row (my favorite!), assisted pullups, assisted dips, pulley bicep curls.