Paypal Observations
Written with a loving hand by kitt some time around 13:14 on 17 March 2005
I'm in the process of adding PayPal Instant Payment Notification functionality to a site. Following are my observations about the whole process, starting with the biggest one:
Paypal makes it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to use their sites.
I'm kicked out of my session every 5 minutes. 5 minutes! I take that long to read a page sometimes, and I'm a quick reader.
I have to type in my password to access anything on their developer network. That means, for each new tab I click at the top of the page, I have to type in my password.
Bloody hell, people, make it easy for us to develop on your platform! Sure, make it hard to steal money from other people, but make it easy to get to your documentation, your toolkits, your examples. You want us to use it, not think, "This is the worst possible system I've ever encountered ... there has to be a better product out there ... let me look."