Off to Webzine 2005!
Written with a loving hand by kitt some time around 12:42 on 24 September 2005
Off to Webzine 2005 today, and looking forward to it. I hadn't quite realized how disconnected my work life and interests are from my circle of friends until I offered two tickets to Webzine to everyone I knew, and no one was interested. I couldn't even get Kris interested in going.
I stayed at Kate's last night and managed, for the first time in a long, long time, to fall asleep before 2 am. Well, after wrastling with the cats to get them outside the room and not inside all the crap I brought. I had been in the City earlier to drop Cal off at home and invite myself to dinner with him and his girlfriend (whose name I guarantee I will misspell and will therefore wait for him to read this and let me know the correct spelling).
Since I managed to find a really good parking spot, and Webzine is fairly close to Kate's place, Kate suggested I take the bus to the workshop/conference/party.
I've never been on a bus in San Francisco before. Never needed to. Never considered it. Not used to thinking of public transportation beyond maybe taking the train to a Giants game. Oh wait, haven't gone to a Giants game this season, and it's nearly over. Hooray! Oops, I mean, "Wow."
So, breakfast with Kate this morning, catch up on team gossip (whoo-ee, there is dramm-ma on the team, and I've been missing it!), and a bus ride to Webzine 2005.
I missed my stop (the numbers increase making 15th before 16th, not after - d'oh!), and had to walk back from 17th and Market, along Market, which was awesome. Talk about a great place to people watch. The weather was beautiful, the overhead conversations entertaining, and the walk enjoyable. I'm glad I missed my stop.
Now, off to hear Messina, Matt and Andy talk about Flock, Open Source and Wordpress.