Week thus far...
So, one of the problems with blogging (or rather, keeping an online journal that happens to be visible to most of the world, or any journal for that matter) is that if you don't write about something right away, the memory starts to fade. Capturing the details, the emotion, the mood of the memory is difficult if it isn't done immediately. Instead of a free-flowing mix of words that convey the enthusiasm or depression of the moment, stilted words come out.

Take, for example, this past weekend.
On Saturday, Kris asked me what I wanted to do on Sunday. We pretty much hadn't spent any time together for a month, and time together is what we needed. I answered, "I want to mooooooove!" That month we spent nominally apart, I had spent sitting on my butt, and I desperately wanted to exercise. A hike, ultimate, pickup, throwing, walking the dogs for hours, anything to be moving!
So, on Sunday, we slept in, then went over to the elementary school around the corner to throw. Chookie, Stephanie (I think I'd never get used to calling her "Petra"), Wade and Doyle showed up, too. We've been working on our low release, typically break-mark, throws, using the hurdles as 6" off the ground markers. Kris worked with me this week, which helped me considerably on my breakmark forehands.
Since we had six people, we had enough for hotbox. My team of Wade, Chookie and me managed to lose like 15-0 to Kris, Doyle and Petra. I had some great D's, including a forearm block of a forehand zinger from Doyle (and it hurt!).
Kris and I had to dash after that, as we needed to get to Heidi's art show before it ended. We thought it ended at 5, which it did on Saturday, but it ended at 3 on Sunday.
We did a mad dash and arrived at 2:40 and couldn't find Heidi. Turns out, she had left early to attend a college reunion, but hadn't quite made it out of the parking lot. We caught up to her, and John, Heidi, Bridget, Kris and I spent the remaining afternoon in downtown Palo Alto.
We had a mid-afternoon dinner at Plutos, and were wandering to the gelato place across the street from the Aquarius when I spotted the Cheesecake Factory on University.

Somehow, visions of White Chocolate Cheesecake Truffle danced in everyone's head (yes, I planted those visions), and soon we were jaywalking across University (a first for me!) to the Factory. While waiting (well, while hovering like rabid dogs over people in the bar area), I told everyone of my Beverly Hills Cheesecake Factory stories: how I would drive from Pasadena to Beverly Hills via Glendale and Mulholland to get there in less than 25 minutes, so that I could get my cheese cake fix before they closed at 11. I have no idea how many times I did that. I think that drive, with my driving it, was the only time I ever scared Determan with my driving...
We went shopping at Restoration Hardware after rolling out of the Factory. Lord only knows how we managed to actually leave without being carted out in a wheelbarrow, we were so full. As Heidi said, "This place makes you want to paint your room green, no, blue, no, pink, as you walk through it." A brief jaunt through Z Gallerie on the way back to the cars, including a 23 to 22 "1000 Places to Visit Before You Die" places visited win by Kris over Heidi, and we were back home by 7:00pm.
So, the day was full, but it was also full of many jokes and entertaining quips. I didn't write about it at the end of the day, so now I've lost all but the overview of the day, and hints of how much fun it was. Maybe a better camera phone, or a less obtrusive camera would help capture the moments better.