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"I don't understand how you can find so much to read. I mean, sometimes I'm bored or I have a few minutes, I want to find something to read, and I wonder 'What would Kitt read?' but I can never find the interesting things you would read. How do you do it?"

Or something like that. Kris' sentiment. Oddly enough, Heather asked me the same question recently. I don't have a link blog, nor do I have a well-used del.icio.us account, but, part of Project Decloak™ will probably change that at least a little bit.

Until then, help for Kris: where do I go to get the interesting posts/pages?

Not so much for the discussions, but more for the interesting links.
Jason Kottke's website, mostly a linkblog with commentary. I don't recall how I found his website, maybe through dooce.
New Scientist
Mostly because I'm a science junky, I'll read the science headlines from New Scientist, sometimes also reading notes from Nature News or sometimes the Science Blog, the former more than the latter. The problem with these sites is that it's a slippery slope into more and more information: some of the articles are behind their subscription firewall, requiring payment to read, which leads to a subscription, which leads to either a stack of unread science magazines or a waste of money. I've been through both cycles.

I visit these websites because they're entertaining, reading more or less on a daily basis.

Dooce, iWalt, Megan's blog and the Town of Or
Heather Armstrong's website, found via Walk Dickinson, whose site was shown to me by Megan. Maybe I can convince Megan to name her blog. My current favorite picture of Mirabelle. I'll also read Town of Or to keep up to date on Jake's activities.
Been reading for years, there are still some gems in there on occasion.
Matt Mullenweg's summary blogish sort of site. Found his site via Jonas Luster's site, which I found via his Drupal flickr module.
Or rather, the Astronomy Pictures of the Day, sometimes beautiful, always interesting images about space and related topics.
Chris Messina's personal blog. He slants toward social justice with an intensity I'm not able to conceive, much less muster - which is why I'm very happy he's around. The world needs more Chris Messinas.
Jeremy Zawodny
Not sure why I read his blog, in as much I'm not particularly interested in aviation. Must be the Yahoo! and MySQL and tech related postings.
A Thousand Kids
Kathryn Yu's link + photo blog, which I found via Cal's Flickr friend's list when I was looking for my name. Kathryn spells her name correctly, and it was on the same page as my name, so I followed her profile to her website. She reviews music for NPR and has other interesting links. It's where I found the El Boton button sets, which didn't help that hobby at all.

Every once in a while, when nothing from the above sites particularly inspires me, I'll also wander over to these sites:

But only because everybody's doing it. I don't particularly believe in the wisdom in crowds because the wisdom part requires independence not found in the incredibly connected web (and so such social sites become the madness of the mob mentality), but there are good links in there that are somewhat interesting.
Same thinking as digg, with the same caveats.
How can you not love Andy's Linkblog? Apparently his the source for many other sites' "breaking news".
Commentary on important events in technology, more from a what-a-moron standpoint, but the topics are a cross between technology and interesting.

And then there are my bookmarks, which I should merge and export sometime soon, so that I don't lose any of them. There are another three or four dozen websites I'll read in a week. Since it's taken me an hour to write all of these sites, we'll just start here.

So, there you go, a good first pass of What Would Kitt Read. Have at it, Kris.