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So, you know you're crazy when...


you start writing other people's blogs in your head.

Came home from dinner on Friday thinking, Kitt is totally going to write a post about Boggle. There are so many funny things she could say! She could write about SEAHAG and defensive 3-letter words and new words we learned (none of which I can remember right now) and Mark trying to throw in new rules to spoil the game and how no one really wanted to play but then we all played like 10 rounds because it's addictive and it was Kitt's virgin Boggle experience.

Then I started narrating the entire night in your voice.

I keep checking, but it's not up on your website yet. I know it's coming...

That from an email from Megan about yesterday's post. I love Megan. She's the best. She's already getting ready to write my blog for me! What a deal!