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Burst into


So, when watching West Side Story, I have always wondered how strange that people on the street would suddenly burst into a brilliantly choreographed dance and perfectly harmonized song, and the people around them don't immediately run away in fear of the singing freaks.

However, today, except for the choregraphed dance, I did exactly that. I spontaneously burst into song.

I can't say I've ever done that before in my adult life. Well, never outside private moments with Kris, that is. And certainly not without unbelievable amounts of personal embarrassment.

I've been memorizing the periodic table recently. I've found a lot of patterns in the table that have helped me memorize the elements, and have created several mnemonics to further help the memorization (CoMe BacK to CaliForia ESpecially if you're FroM MarylanD, and lead (PB) makes you BI POlar, are two).

To really help, however, I've started writing a song to help me out.

When a client saw the periodic table on my clipboard today, she asked how the song was going. I chuckled, then burst into song, singing it as far as I could, as far as I had written it.

Afterward, I realized how embarrassed I should be about the whole episode. Other than as the fat lady in the Viking Opera, I don't think I've ever sung in public before.

Yet, I wasn't embarrassed at all. What is this world coming to when I can burst into song without embarrassment?

Of course, you haven't seen me dance.