Mini dev house« an older post

Only 30 in 2005 and 2006


Bet you didn't know seventy one players have had more than 18 home runs and more than 18 stolen bases in a season since 2001.

Me, either.

Only 30 in 2005 and 2006.

Who knew?

Not me.

"Alex Rodriquez was absolutely ridiculous last year."

"Did you have him last year?"


"DIdn't I tell you to get him?"

"BABE! I had him for $45. Someone else was willing to offer over $40 for him. I had my time with him. They bought hime. He was Alex Rodriquez again. Someone else had their time with him."

If I could get Alex Rodriquez for $40, you better believe I'd be pulling out my wallet.

"$40! THat's not even a quarter a game!"

Poor Kris. Thinks I'd actually let Alex play baseball during my $40 time with him.

Clearly we're making progress on our dev house projects. Where's the pizza?


You must still be pissed at Boston drivers.