Happy blog birthday!
Five years ago today, I installed a copy of Drupal on my server, and decided I was going to start writing about my days. Having spent most of my childhood, adolescence and early adulthood trying to forget my life, I decided that, no, I wanted to remember it. I could have kept all of my life in journals, paper bound books that I love so much, but that wouldn't have enabled me to search for entries very easily, nor cross reference them, nor delete them without ruining the book.
More importantly, even though this site is for me, it's helped me become closer to my friends and family. Instead of fumbling for answers to "so, what's been going on in your life?" they know what's going on. I often wish more of my family would keep journals so that I could know what's going on in their lives. I think I've managed to recover from the initial "Wait, how do you know that?" freak-out that bloggers have until they become used to the fact that having a personal blog means your life is no longer private, and have come to enjoy being able to relate parts of my life to the similar parts of my friends' lives.
So, happy birthday, blog. Here's hoping the next fives years are as memorable.
P.S. Yes, you should post a comment, saying hello. I'd love to know you're out there.
P.P.S. Holy crap, that's a lot of writing. Maybe I did have something to say.
happy blogday!
Yay yay yay, you started posting again! Did my jab inspire you? Ha! Yay yay! Happy birthday!
Happy blog-day
Thanks for keeping the world - or whatever subset of it reads this - informed about your life. I've enjoyed much of it!
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