Not so Annie


So, while Jackson and I were throwing (but not up), Annie and Bella were wandering around the fields. I was keeping an eye on the two dogs are we were tossing, and eventually needed to go fetch Annie who had run far enough away from the two of us that I was uncomfortable. I convinced Jackson to huck the disc as far as he could in Annie's general direction, while I chased it down. I would then throw the disc short for him to run on to. in this way, we moved closer to Annie while still throwing.

Annie was a good girl, to my surprise, and stopped when I approached her.

She never does that.

She sat there, and looked at me. I stood there, and looked at her, pondering what dog this was and what had she done with the real Annie.

After a few moments, I reached down to grab her collar, realizing I had left her leash over by our stuff on the other side of the field. I started walking Annie in the direction I wanted her to go, and hunched moved with her for a number of meters.

When I let her go, instead of continuing to be a good dog, her true plan was revealed.

She bolted.


I ended up running back to our stuff as fast as I could to pick up Annie's leash, then sprinting back to Annie on the other side of the field to capture her, then around the field as she avoided me, then back to our stuff where Jackson was waiting. He sat by our stuff watching me run back and forth and back again, Annie finally leashed up with me the second time. When I arrived back near him, he picked up my camera. I was too tired to notice really:

I was tickled, however, when Jackson started taking pictures. He managed to take one of my favorites of me. I'm thinking of handing him one of my cameras to see what pictures he takes, what he thinks is important.

Currently, though, ugh. Tired.

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