Rough night
Yesterday was pretty rough for the little girl.
She refused to eat her dinner and had been instead eating clumps of grass from the back yard. When she puked up four grass balls and refused even rice and cottage cheese, Kris took her to the emergency vet. She ended up staying the night as they tried to put fluids and nutrients into her.
And thus begins the heroic measures to extend her life. Well, not so much "heroic" as "expensive."
She's still howling. She's still feisty, refusing to go to the vet this morning and being all huffy. While her quality of life may be decreased, she's still Bella and she still has fight in her. When she's awake, she seems to enjoy walking around the block. Sure, it takes her 30 minutes to go less than half a mile, but, wow, the sniffing she manages in that walk? Yeah, same as the young Bella.
So, not that you can tell in this picture either, but she's still alive, just a little drugged up on painkillers.

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