The Honorable Kathryn Hodsden
Written with a loving hand by kitt some time around 17:17 on 7 February 2014

Or as Kris says, "I didn't go to Judge School for five years to be called Miss."

When booking my tickets, I was required to specify an honorific. My choices were "Mr." "Mrs." "Miss" "Dr." and "Hon". Given those choices being marked for a woman (a woman must declare her marriage status, when a man does not), I thought screw it, I'm going as a Judge.
Problem was, the people at the check-in counter thought my first name was Hon and had troubles reconciling my passport with my ticket. Heaven forbid a woman is not a Miss or a Mrs when coming through the line. If they weren't going to respect the Honorable honorific, why include it?
Fundamentally, though, the Hodsden Orneriness bit me in the ass. Again.
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