T-shirt Design a Day
This weekend's project was supposed to be upgrade this site. This site has been in its current state, plus bug fixes, for going on 7 years, and it seriously shows. Instead, I decided to embark on an entirely NEW PROJECT. Whoo! And shock! Another shock? It's a something-every-day project. Okay, no shock there. Though, because you read the title of the post, you know that it's a t-shirt-a-day project.
First three are up, and available on groundr.com, which has me totally excited.
I've been wanting to do a #hashtag t-shirt for a while. I managed to do it with a 140 point font, in Twitter blue, too. So many subtleties with this one.

I saw a flat-design rocketship and really liked it. So, now it's a shirt!

Chat Away
I'm unsure where I saw this design. Also liked it. I expect to sell exactly one of these, the one I buy. It's a design I like, I doubt anyone would like it.

If you have any suggestions for tomorrow's shirt, send it my way!
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