Day 4 of this Journey« an older post
a newer one »Today's Cafe!

Looking even closer


My first thought with these cards was, "Meh, the same as the first day's mindfulness cards," and was about to dismiss them, when I realized that, uh, so what if they are pretty much the same? All of mindfulness is pretty much the same, and can be boiled down to "Pay attention to the now." So, instead of dismissing the "Mindfulness - Look even closer" part of the card as "already done," I paid attention to the details today.

In particular, hey, I found a moment, I was MINDFUL of a moment, when I was beginning to be bored. It was, unsurprisingly, on an exercise machine. Surprisingly, it was while listening to an audiobook, which usually makes potentially boring exercising okay with me, since I'm multitasking.

Not today.

Might mean I'm listening to the wrong book. Or a boring one.

I took the moment to consider how I was feeling, what parts were sore, what parts were tired. I decided that, no, they were fine, burning only a little bit, and pushed through. Hard and enjoyable working. I'd venture that perhaps more enjoyable because of the mindfulness.

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