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Might as well be clean


The hotel room was colder than the temperature outside when I arrived, which meant the room's temperature was likely somewhere in the 50˚F - 59˚F range. I turned on the heater to 74˚, but the room didn't seem to heat up. The heater running at 80˚ for two hours did the trick. The room was finally at 72˚. I went to bed and to sleep.

This morning, as I was in the shower, there was a knocking on the hotel room door. I didn't answer, I was in the shower. Checkout time was another 30 minutes away. I continued showering.

The knocking became a pounding. The pounding became louder. The pounding sounded like two people were kicking the door. I stayed in the shower, rinsed my hair.

The pounding stopped. The door was unlocked, and opened hard. I was still in the shower.

The door was stopped by the chain. If the person opening the door had wanted to break it, I suspect said person could have. I was in the shower.

After I had finished my shower, dried off, and went into the hotel room, it was empty, my stuff was as I had left it, the chain was still on the door, the door was still closed. I dressed, gathered my things, left the room, checked out of the hotel, met a friend for lunch, and told him about my latest hotel adventure.

He looked at me askew. "You have a lot of weird stuff happen to you."

Yep. This sort of thing happens all the time. Which is why I finish my shower before addressing it. I might as well address it on my time, and be clean with lovely smelling hair when I address someone in a huff for breaking into a hotel room I have paid for until noon.


A clean Kitt is a happy Kitt.

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