Our Dork Faces


Certain people have a way of moving that instantly says "Nerd!" or "Geek!" whatever the preferred word is. The style is seen in dancing, in running, in general body movements. I am one of those people. I full-body speak once I have built up a head of steam, and, let me say, I am a sight to behold.

Jonathan often calls me "dork" when I'm moving in my "certain people have this way of moving" mode. I rallied against the word for a long time, for reasons he knows. He explained to me, and I finally heard, this year that dork is completely a term of endearment, part of my charm, part of the attraction.

I have rubbed off onto him. He can dork it up with me, and does frequently.

He still won't bounce with me, but, well, let's be real: I can bounce for both of us.

We're in Chicago to visit Dad this Christmas. Jessie is picking us up shortly.