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Butcher of Anderson Station

Book Notes

Okay, those readers who have read even the first book of the Expanse series we know who Fred Johnson is. He plays a pivotal role in the Outer Planets Alliance's political pull, he thinks outside the realm of normals when dealing with possibilities in warfare, in politics, in words. He was one of the top military men of Earth.

And then he wasn't.

While a man can look at his actions, see what he has done, and learn what he was led to do by circumstance or by deceit, he can't always choose the direction he needs to go for redemption.

The missing piece to Johnson's story that starts in the Expanse is shown in this book, for which I am thankful. The television series' explanation was, well, shallow and unsatisfying. This book's revelation was right.

If you're a fan of The Expanse, yep, read this book. If you aren't yet, start with Leviathan Wakes.

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