a newer one »Unused supplements


Every once in a while, I start throwing away stuff I have. For some reason, I think it's a good idea to document this purging. I know not why documenting is good, other than having a sense of accomplishment, tracking what I discarded, and seeing how far I've come from who I was. Or something like that. It's been a while since I've done this, but back when, here are the items.

So Long Suckah

Just after college, I bought a set of bowls. I bought them in green to match the decor of the kitchen of the in-law unit I was living in. The bowls are totally awesome. I still like them, these many years later. One of the bowls has a crack in it, severely limiting its lifespan. The bowl is one of those items whose end, alas, has arrived.

This item was thrown away in the garbage.

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