Kris needs to shave


Need to look these up


I need to look up these two constellations. I keep seeing them every night, and am fascinated by them.

This one, I'm going to call "Dark Side of the Moon" if it's not named. Maybe "Witch's Broom." I don't know where the Big Dipper is in relation to this constellation, which may make locating it outside the Grand Canyon difficult. Oddly enough, I haven't seen Orion on this trip, either.

I slept like crap last night. I just could not stay asleep at all. I saw four shooting stars and two satellites, which may have been the same satellite on a second orbit actually.

Canyon notes


Tuckup Canyon


Our camp tonight at Tuckup Canyon is the location where the last pictures taken with the Hydes' camera (the Hydes being Glen and Bessie Hyde, the focus of the book Sunk without a Sound that I've been reading and mentioning the last few days.

Andy's been reading the book, too, and realized where we were. He went down to the side canyon's wash/exit at my suggestion for its being the likely stopping point for the Hydes (being where the creek flows into the Colorado). He may have found the match for where the picture was taken, with the rocks in the background of the picture.

Whiskey love


I made dinner with Matt and Pat this evening. Matt "with a buzz" let me lead most of the cooking parts (the rice and chicken) which was fun. I managed to get more of a lay of the land with the pots, utensils, burners, etc. Not enough to do it on my own, but enough to finally feel comfortable in the "kitchen."

At one point, Josh and Justin invited me to the boats for swig of whiskey. They both knew I like whiskey, and had brought some along on the trip. I took the bottle they had just opened and took a GIANT swig, upending the bottle. As soon as I tipped the bottle up, I realized I had made a mistake, and was quite embarrassed about it.

The whiskey itself was quite tasty. When I offered to get my Japanese whiskey, Josh and Justin both told me to wait until tomorrow night, when the crew will party. Tomorrow has the last big rapid, Lava Falls. I need to get into a good boat tomorrow, as Kris and Andy want to take the duckies out for a run before Lava.
