

After setting up camp at Tuckup Canyon, I went to go bathe in the river with Kris. We've managed to bathe every other day, which seems to be good, but hasn't done much for my hair other than give me one natty dreadlock.

While we were there, Abby, Erin, Kim and Kelly were there, having a seriously girl moment with lots of laughing and giggling and sharing of shampoo and soap. I was feeling a LOT like an outsider, as I do with most girly events. I never feel connected, I can't bond with women doing women things easily. With female friends I've known a long while, I'm good. Just met? Think of me as a boy.

Which is why I just bathed with Kris and Al until they both finished, then continued on with my personal areas after they left. I managed to shave my legs today, and other places that needs a quick blade. Eventually, the ladies' group left, so I pulled off my shirt to finish bathing naked. Few things more annoying that having a stripe of dirt where the sports bra was because you couldn't wash under it. Another curse of the big breasts, I guess.

As I was bathing topless, I was still slightly uncomfortable, as Kim was still around. As she left, though, she commented, "If only I were so brave," referring to my usual style of bathing completely naked in the river, instead of in a swimsuit as everyone else did. Although I don't completely understand the remarkably conservative bathing in this group when compared to the group ten years ago, at least I felt a little better about it after Kim's comment.

Bugs. Defeating me.


I've seen two shooting stars each of the last two nights. I also saw a satelitte last night. Andy saw a satellite and shooting star tonight. Kris saw a shooting star, also.

The bugs are defeating me.

I think I'll offer websites as part of our tips to the guides. Kent and Charlie seem way interested. Others might be, too.

Andy over the shoulder


So way the right decision


Okay, holy moly, yes, staying down at the pools was a GREAT idea.

I spent the six hours everyone else used to walk up two hours, play in the water for two hours and hike back two hours, with Pam, Adam, Michael and Sonia, playing cards and Botticelli. We moved a couple times, to stay in the shade.

We had a rotating swimmer, since there were five of us and enough cards for only four of us to play at a time. Once of us would go for a swim while the other four played a hand.

I had an unfortunate incident during the day when we were moving at one point. I had to poop, and I had to poop badly, no holding this one in. So, I pooped into my lunch bag (this was, fortunately, after lunch, so the bag was empty), and stuffed it into a plastic bag, then shoved that into another plastic bag, and THAT into a third plastic bag, and carried the whole thing out, down out of the side canyon. Ick. The groover is so much more pleasant.

Around 1:30, we went down to the Olympic Poool, and met up with Matt and Pat. We all lounged until about 2:15 or so when the rest of the crew started showing up. The water at the resting / meetup point was WONDERFUL. Perfectly cool temperature.

Kris commented when he met up with me that yes, the waterfall was nice, but the pools were no different than where I had stayed. I knew at that point I had made the right choice. I, and the Js, had six hours more of lounging around than the rest of the group. Lounging! YAY!

The group went back to the boats for another two hours of rowing down to Tuckup Canyon Beach. Kris, Andy and I were in Charly's boat again, but the day was a huge contrast to yesterday's ride. The conversations were fun and loud enough for me to hear.

Waiting on the ledge


I'm really liking this moleskine. Have to use my hair clips to keep the camera dry bag closed.

I should take a first responder course. It would give me more knowledge that would be good to have. Maybe an E.M.T. course, too. Maybe. Still.
