How to sleep on the river


Slept fairly well last night, as I have finally given up trying to sleep the whole night through. I am now happy to sleep an hour or two at a time.

Andy asked me, "Do you look at your watch when you wake up?"


"Maybe that's your problem."

Broke it again



I broke the camera. Again. For real.

I was trying to get a close up of some ants, and managed to send sand into the lens gear. I hadn't realized how close I was to the sand, and didn't clear the sand off the camera before turning it off.

"Crap" isn't strong enough. Fuck.

Finished Sunk


Finished Sunk Without a Sound last night. Good book. The writing style is interesting and engaging. I might by Canyon Explorations a few copies, since the current one is sorta ratty.

We stopped tonight at Havasu Camp near mile 156, about a half mile up from Havasu Falls. It's not an easy place to camp, but it's the camping site we wanted.

Mile 152 or so


Time left


Four nights, including tonight, left. One big rapid left, then a slow float.

I drank a good amount today. The camera is working well, with the power usage reduction steps in place: no review, dimmed LCD. I managed 364 pictures on this card, plus another 300 on the other card before getting the low battery warning. So, I should manage 700 pictures on this battery, which is a good improvement on the 500 of the last battery.
