New Year's 2008


As we have established as a now 4 year tradition, we spent new year's eve over at Heidi and John's, though this year it was Heidi, John and Adrian, the cute little boy whom we finally met. Somehow, I managed to convince Heidi and John to stand still long enough without baby in arms to take a picture of the four of us. To my surprise, it was not only centered, but also a good picture of all of us:

Bridge, Pei and Pei's brother arrived after we had eaten dinner. We were going to immediately kick them out of the house, but Pei bribed us with her handmade chocolate truffles. Did I mention truffles? Did I mention chocolate?

Yeah, we let them stay.

The scotch didn't hurt either:

After food and talking for a while, where talking for a while meant Heidi spent a half hour trying to put the baby to sleep and I spent half an hour working on, Kris and I forced everyone to play Perudo with us. Because everybody loves Liar's Dice, don't you know. No, really.

For a first time, everyone did well. Pei and Pei's brother dudo'd each other to death, leaving the rest of us to watch with full dice. Eventually the odds stacked against us (come on, how many times do 12 3s show up when there are only 16 dice?), and John and Bridget took Kris and I out. John ended victorious, but without a victory dance. So sad, that lack.

At some point, someone (I blame Heidi) managed to abscond my camera and take a picture of me.

I don't know how the camera continued working after that.

But work it did. For new years, I wanted a picture of all of us in it. Somehow, we managed a good picture on only two tries.

The first picture is pretty spectacular, by the way.

Happy new year! Looking forward to 2008. This will be a lot of fun.

Breakfast in the woods


Kris and I dashed up to Mike and Kate's for breakfast this morning (where dash means "show up 40 minutes late"). Of course, I forgot my camera in the car when Kris and I went in. Kris hasn't been up to the house very much, so when he walked in, Liza was quite surprised. She looked up at him, put one hand on a hip, and announced, "I usually see just Kitt here."

Kris managed not to laugh.

Katie and Alex were up at the house, too. He and Maeryn played well together, though spending time with Liza means Maeryn behaves older than any other kid her age.

I managed to make pumpkin waffles again, this time with nutmeg instead of cinnamon, in deference to Mike. They were still tasty. I swear, that waffle iron (thanks Bharat and Jen!) is getting more use than any other appliance I own.

Except maybe the dish washer.


Knock knock


Vinny and Heather came over this evening for a short time and a light dinner. When Vinny sat down at the couch, he noticed our "How to Stay Young" book, subtitled, "The Guide to Being Immature Forever," picked it up, and started reading it.

A few minutes later, he started laughing really hard. "Interupting cow! The funniest knock knock joke ever. It's so true!"

"It is?" I asked.

"It is!" he answered.

"Really? How?"

"Well, knock, knock..."

"Who's there."

"Interrupting cow."


longer pause

"I don't get it."

Vinny stared at me. I stared back, and repeated, "I don't get it." He looked at me like I was dumb.

"You really don't get it?" he asked.


He turned away, going back to reading the book.

A while later, Chookie stopped by, too. We were talking for a while before I turned to him and said, "Say, Vinny says the interrupting cow knock knock joke is the best ever."

Chookie smiled. "It is! It is the best!"

"How? I don't get it."

"Really? Okay, knock knock!"

"Who's there?"

"Interrupting cow."


"Uh, okay."

"Come on... interrupting cow who?"

"What? Wait, what? Omigod, did I forget that part of the joke?"

"Yep," Vinny piped up.

I guess Vinny's look of "you are dumb" was well deserved.

Annie, unplugged


Annie has become quite the svelte dog. Her muscles bulge when she runs. You can see her chest muscles as she's lost all of her doggy fat, all of the soft parts of her body.

We feed Annie the same amount of food that we feed Bella: different formula, butthe same amount. Annie, however, runs around a lot more than Bella does. Sure, when we go for a walk, both the dogs and I all walk the same distance. When we go to a park, however, Annie runs around. When we go on a hike, Kris, Andy, Bella, Shadow and I walk x distance, Blue walks 2x distance, and Annie runs about 4x distance. She burns a lot of calories.

She's also very, very, very food motivated. Too much so in my opinion. I hate that she's always scavenging for food.

When we arrived home from Christmas, I thought she looked particularly lanky, so I thought to help her out: I decided to feed her more than her normal amount of food. She burns off the calories, what can it hurt?

Instead of her normal one scoop of food, I gave her three scoops of food for dinner, might have been four. She devoured it. Hoovered it. Ten seconds, it was gone.

Okay, clearly she can eat that much. I gave her that much again the next morning.

Well, last night, she wasn't doing so well. If Kris or I touched her along her back, she yelped. She wasn't able to jump up onto the couch, nor down from the couch. Come dinner time, she wasn't particularly interested in food, but was plenty interested in eating grass in the back.

Hmmmmm.... grass.... upset stomach. Crap.

I admitted to Kris this morning that Annie might be plugged up. "Plugged up? Why?" he asked. Well, see, you know, um...

Eventually, I confessed. I told him I had overfed the dog and maybe her intestines were impacted. Okay, he'd try to get a Saturday morning appointment with the vet.

I thought I'd try an old-fashioned way of unplugging her. I took her to the part this afternoon and let her run around. She managed all of maybe 20 yards before she stopped a took a dump. A spectacularly large one (lovely blogging material, that Annie). In the minute it took me to clean it up (and the next five it took me to clean up some other flippin' moronic dog owner's dog poop because he was too freakin' lazy to frackin' do it himself, thereby risking my ability to take my (Kris'?) dogs to the school because of his laziness), Annie had dashed off to the edge of the school yard and dumped again.

Well, there we go.

After that, she was happy as a clam, running around again, sniffing things, jumping up.

Apparently Annie's dog food is her goldfish. Need to get more fiber into that dog...

Or less food.

In one sitting.

Beware-O 11


I went out to the 11th annual Beware-o the Sombrero tournament this morning. The tournament registration started at 7:45 am, in the far East Bay, about a 45 minute drive away, prompting me to ask Kris, "WHY? WHY, OH, why do we get up earlier for ultimate than we do in real life? Why?"

He just laughed.

So, I sent the tournament director an email requesting late registration. Whoo-hoo! I started at 9:00 am instead of 8:00 am like everyone else, though I actually arrived at 9:15. Boo. I did manage a couple points in the first game, which we won.

We also won the second game. And the third. The third game was the most interesting, as one of the opponents was a Jam guy, and another one was a Slow White woman. I was surprised at how many people said, "Wow! She's good!" about the Slow White woman, as all I could see her do is huck the disc away. Sure, she could throw the disc far, but throwing a disc far is worthless if no one actually catches her throws. shrug

My teammates were a lot of fun. There was a Pleasure Town player, a few UCLA players, some local players that recognized me, Ellie (Adam Fagin's friend who sprained her ankle at the Sunnyvale Savage Seven tournament), and Immay! (that would be Jimmy Wang).

I ended up leaving after the third game. It was cold. It was wet. We had four other women. I hadn't dropped or thrown away the disc, so hey, leave on an up note. Jimmy sent me an update about the rest of the day:

Hi Kitt,

We won all of our pool play games and lost in the finals.

We had a tough game in round 5 against a team who was also undefeated.
We were trading points most of the game and was up by a break at the
half. We squeezed by 11 to 9 at the soft cap.

Game 6 was initially close, but we pulled away after the half. The
game ended on a sad note when one of their women was clobbered in the
back of the head by a poach D when she made the catch on a floaty
hospital pass.

The final was 11/7 or 11/6. We had taken half at 6/4, but then an
apparent score by us was called back by a pick that was seemingly not
involved in the play. We lost momentum and they went on a scoring
streak to win the game.

Glad you could come out,
