track workout 2008 09 30
Book page
kitt decided around 16:10 on 30 September 2008 to publish this:
warmup: 800m jog form running/dynamic warmup (high knees, butt kicks, side shuffle, etc.) stretching strength / plyos: 15 push ups 75 crunches/abs 15 rocket jumps 15 tuck jumps 40m frog jumps single leg bounding, 5 with left leg then 5 with right leg (go for maximum distance) repeat plyo circuit 6 sets 5-10-5 1 set A shuttles (4 cones at 5m, return to 1 on each leg 2-3-4-3-2, 4-4-4, 3-4-3-4, 4-3-2)) 2 sets 10x40m on 30 a second timer cool down lap