Don't believe him
Note to self: when an eight year old boy says that his nintendo is enough to keep him occupied on a two hour flight, don't believe him.
Sam and I flew back to California today. I had flown over to Phoenix yesterday to spend a brief time with Mom and Eric, before whisking Sam away back home for a not-quite-week-long week at Auntie Kitt's. I tell you, "Auntie Kitt" is the dumbest incarnation of any "Auntie" name I know of. Though, nothing will ever beat "Auntie Em," "Auntie Kitt" is particularly unsavory. Doesn't have a good ring to it.
Maybe it is time to switch to Kathryn. Or Kate. Kate McQueen. Now that has a ring to it.
Except that it's also REALLY close to the name of the character Cindy Crawford played in her one and only (and thank goodness ONLY) acting role. *shudder*
Yeah, so, Sam.
He did an okay job keeping himself entertained on the plane. We did play a game of dot box, though.

I thought he did really well, catching me off guard a few times. 43 / 112 boxes? Not bad, given I have probably 400 games of experience up on him.
Sam also took some good photos out the window:
We're not planning on doing much today. We'll see how the day goes.