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Now in Super Large Grapefruit Size!


Kris and I went over to Mike, Kate and Liza's tonight for dinner. It was a very nice evening. We met some of Kate's work friends: Brian and Kim with baby Alex, and Isis and Shaun. With the two youngsters in the house and another one on the way, talk naturally drifted towards children, and then not having children. In particular, when a couple decides they're done having children, who volunteers to go under the knife?

When most of the men agreed a vasectomy was the way to go (if their wives have to go through the pain of childbirth, the least they can do is undergo the surgery to prevent another one), Kim related the story of when the husband of a friend she knew underwent his vasectomy: he had the operation done and went home. Sometime in the middle of the night, this guy woke up with his testicles the size of grapefruits. He immediately dashed (drove? ran?) to the hospital, where they discovered the incisions had not stopped bleeding, causing the swelling, and, I can only assume, incredible pain. They were drained, stitched back together properly, no lasting harm done.

All fine and good. But I couldn't help but wonder, wouldn't you wake up once your nuts were the size of apples? Who waits until they're the size of grapefruits?