Smile for the camera!
Yeah, kitt finished writing this at 21:54 on 16 April 2005
Today Kris and I spent just about the whole day working on stuff around the house. Usually when we work together (on weekends), we manage to work only on the front yard, because it's such a huge task. We're still working on it. I'd like to say the neighbors know we're working on the yard, but even Mike said just today, "You're working on your front yard? Good."
Mike was over this morning to move the rest of his compost from our driveway to his yard. When he showed up, I insisted he put on sunscreen. I had a sunburn a few weeks ago on the back of my neck, so I've been insistent with anyone I'm with. Kris got the spritz, too.
As careful as I was with my sunscreen, I didn't quite get all the areas that were sun-exposed. In fact, I missed my lower back.
So, at some insistence on my part, Kris helped me out and we made light of the situation.