050419 - WotD: celerity
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Instead of being asleep at 22:23 on 19 April 2005, kitt created this:
Today's Word of the Day is celerity.
Lying here, sick on the couch, I've been watching my Netflix movies as fast as I can. In particular, I'm watching Cold Mountain. The opening sequence of Cold Mountain is at the Siege of Petersburg, Virginia. In reading about why the town of 18000 was sieged in 1864, I learned,-
Unfortunately, after landing on May 4th, 1864, Butler did not move with sufficient celerity to prevent Confederate reinforcements from being gathered from North Carolina, and mid-May found his army solidly corked up in a defensive posture at Bermuda Hundred, having been defeated by Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard at the Battle of Drewry's Bluff on May 16.
- rapidity of motion or action