My problem with technology
Yeah, kitt finished writing this at 00:29 on 5 May 2005
So my problem with technology is that not only is it pervasive, it is also disconnected.
Okay, so, this site is a nice little collection of things in some way important to me. It complements my "professional" site quite well, hiding my charming personality quirks from the rest of the world in this small space I've carved out.
I can add content to this site by sitting down at a web-enabled computer, calling up the site, navigating to the add-content page and strart typing.
And that happens once in a long while, let me tell you.
In reality, I'm probably anywhere else than in front of a web-enabled computer when I think of something I want to write about.
So, take for example when I'm at the gym, walking on the treadmill, and come up with a brilliant (or not so brilliant) idea for a post. Well, crap, now what do I do?
Yep. What any other geek would do: pull out the Treo and start typing.
You think I'm kidding.
Okay, so, now I have a great post all ready to enter.
Except that it's on my Palm and not where it ultimately needs to be.
And what are the chances I forget to copy this entire rant over to my site?
Pretty high.
I have the same problem with my laptop when I'm working offline, which happens more frequently than I would have predicted.
So, the problem I have is not to get my thoughts out of my head, but rather to get them some place central where I can find them, remember them, laugh at them, enjoy them again.
And even more importantly, many years from now, realize how far we've come in merging technologies.