SuperHappyDevHouse5 this weekend
kitt decided around 17:45 on 2 November 2005 to publish this:
SuperHappyDevHouse5 is this weekend, and I'm terribly entertained by the thought of this one.
As the last one was my first one, I didn't really know what to expect. I did greet people at the door (is it bad that I seem to enjoy that? It fits just so well with my personality), but that's about all I did except bring whiteboards.
This one, I'm helping David and Jeff a little bit. In the spirit of BarCamp, the last SuperHappyDevHouse (SHDH4, from now on) had presentations. Several people stepped up and presented, with several more people holding back for fear of not having anything "cool enough" to present.
Kid you not. "Not cool enough" was the reason one fellow told me he didn't want to present. I don't recall who he was, but in retrospect, I think he was an idiot for not presenting - it was a huge opportunity to receive really, really good feedback from people who can help.
As in seriously help.
I should have tried to convince him to present.
Oh well. Fire missles!
So, for this SuperHappyDevHouse (yes, SHDH5), we'll be having prizes for presenters. Entertaining prizes. Like Doyle-and-I standing-in-a-trophy-shop mocking-the-figurines prizes. I think one is absolutely hysterical. I hope everyone else does, too.
Worst comes to worst, they'll be funny at 3:00 am.
The trick, I think, is going to be picking one project I want to work on. Picking one! One!
Well, that and actually working on it.