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Sad, sad sight


Tomorrow, Kris and I are heading over to have our portraits taken. Having (admittedly very minor) surgery near my eye next Thursday has made me a little nervous, so I wanted to have portraits taken before hand. I had professional pictures taken last about eight years ago, so now is a good time to have more taken.

I asked the photographer, Sandra (the wife of a classmate of JenO's, which is how we were referred to her, that, and well, the amazing family photos of JenO, Bharat, Cole and Ally), what I should do about make-up. I'm so clueless about make-up. That I feel like an idiot when I wear it only feeds my cluelessness, so I wear it even less.

Sandra recommended I wear lipstick and a bit of blush.


Especially since I don't have any make-up. I buy the stuff once every four or so years, so the various packages of make-up become single or dual use. The last stuff I bought was for my Aunt Marilynn's birthday on 02-02-2002, so time to buy more. Great.

I wandered to the cosmetics section of my local Safeway. Yes, that's me: the big spender on women's cosmetics. Only the good stuff for me (i.e. the $1.49 eyeliner, on sale!). As I stood there, in front of the small, yet seemingly vast, array of cosmetic choices, I felt ten years old again, looking at all the pretty colors. I remembered thinking how I wanted to have one of each, because I couldn't choose just one or two, how about all of them?

It's a sad, sad sight, when a woman my age (or any woman over 22, for that matter) has no clue what her colors are, what the various products are, or how to use them. How the heck do I apply blush? What's the current style? Match my skin color? Highlight my checkbones or enhance the hollows? There are no directions on these products. What the heck do I do with this stuff?
