Now 2024 Feb 7« an older post
a newer one »Now 2024 Dec 15

Now 2024 Dec 1


Last month, I had a Japanese fortune read to me. I'm told it was a good fortune. I couldn't speak, I couldn't hear, through the breaking of my heart forever as it was read.

1. This week restarts my journey back up the mountains. Training started this week with Lift Heavy and Sprint Hard. Mountains with a side of ultimate frisbee, who can resist?

2. This week starts the building of my first AI MVP, as I complete a no-code AI bootcamp that has me laughing at the absurdity of this technology. The people who will become valuable are the ones with critical thinking skills and the ability to debug, because the writing of crap code and crap words has become incredibly easy. Expect a lot of poorly written and poorly designed apps until the AI tools become not crap in a decade (this includes my AI generated apps, BTW). The hardest part of this MVP is choosing one project.

3. This week continues the Ending Things challenge. This challenge is probably the mentally hardest challenge I've ever done, it goes against a childhood of conditioning and a lifetime of reinforcement. I continue to succeed at it.