


Shit! I broke the camera.

I was trying to take close up pictures of ants, and sent sand into the lens gears. I didn't think to clean it out before I closed it, as I didn't realize I had dipped the camera in the sand.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Camera notes continued


The camera is starting to look worn from the sand abrasions of it going in and out of the dry bag. I think I like the worn look.

With Kris riding the bull today, I really, really, really wish that I not only had known about the waterproof cameras, but that I had bought one, too.

Camera notes


7 days (including today) left. 3 batteries ~ 1500 - 1800 pictures left. So... 200 - 250 a day. might be difficult. May not get so many macro shots. Andy's taken maybe 20-30 to my 600-700. Quality, man.