

As I drove up to my house today around lunch, I noticed an older woman stooped near the lemon tree in my front yard. It's a short lemon tree that produces good lemons: if they ripen on the tree, the lemons are fairly sweet, and make great lemonade.

As I turned into my driveway, she stood up quickly, two or three lemons clutched to her chest in a clearly guilty pose.

I chuckled, to myself, thinking, "Yeah, lady, that's my lemon tree you're stealing from," and sat in the car for 20 seconds or so after I parked the car, giving her plenty of time to get away.

Need to check: did she actually take the lemons, or did she waste them by leaving them on the ground near the tree.

I wonder how the avocado tree in the front yard is going to go over when it starts producing. And does anyone steal from the tree two doors down? It has lots of lemons in it, too.