The Wise Man's Fear

Book Notes

"It is the patient, cut-flower sound of a man who is waiting to die."

Okay, book two of the Kingkiller Chronicle, Rothfuss continues along right where The Name of The Wind left off. Like, I finished one book and picked up the next and boom, I was back in the same world.

And wow, was I happy to be back. All the characters I expected were back, a few were added, and dammit, I now have to wait for book three to come out sometime in the next... never.

Of the book, well, the last 80 pages or so are the denouement, which was somewhat amusing to me, to have so much of the story as a wrap-it-up-already part of the tale. I kept thinking, what, why. There were a couple of twists that I did not see coming, which is great. For the most part, I enjoyed the book highly, wish I had taken more notes, and will recommend the (yes, still unfinished) series.

Wait, I do have something to complain about. When Kvothe tells the Chronicler in the first book his story will take three days to tell, he was living on a planet with 58 hour days. How do I know this? Because the audiobook is 43 hours long. It tells of Kvothe's second day of telling, glossing over some of the auxiliary events and interactions of the day. If the telling took 43 hours, that wasn't a single-day telling. Rothfuss wrote a Jordan-worthy saga, and let us all have it for cheap.

Dogs hate Pokémon


Today I learned that dogs hate Pokémon.

Mom bought me a Charmander keychain in Singapore. I hadn't removed it from its package yet.

It's removed now.



I really like this tile. It was in the restrooms of Pasadena's True Food restaurant.



Mo and I checked out Sam's Burgers after the work holiday party. He caught me in an amazing moment of Americana.

Consolation Cookie


Yes, that's right, I am right now having a consolation cookie. It looks like this:

I successfully managed, once again, to damage my car in a completely random way, all without doing any damage to any other vehicle, person, or property. While I want to say that I'm so frustrated with this, the reality is, I've done it before, and it's not like I don't already know what my luck is like. This time, it wasn't a tree, it was a f'ing curb. This time, I wasn't in a bad mood, quite the contrary, I had just finished dinner with Mo and Benny Lava and was all set to spend time relaxing in a forest.

Upside, Mo was around to help me shove the parts back together well enough to drive on surface streets.

Downside, fixing my car AGAIN was really not something I was planning on spending money on this year.
