
Jonathan knows that I do this. When I don't have daily beagle comforts, I react to any beagle I see with an immediate squeal of "BEAGLE!"

It is a testament to my state of tiredness after the 15½ flight from Singapore with only about two hours of "sleep" on the plane that I didn't squeal when I saw the beagle at SFO sniffing away at this luggage in baggage claim.

This particular beagle found something in a bag and didn't howl. I was impressed at both her find and her restraint.

Back to the Past!


And we're off! We are on this magical airplane that will remove us from Singapore and deposit us in San Francisco in ten minutes. Of course, relativity effects are happening, and locally, time will slow down. While the world will see us take off at 8:45 and land at 8:55, we will experience it as 15½ hours in an aluminum tube.


Modern technology is amazing.

Too early


I don't know why I am smiling in this picture. It's f---king early.

Storm Front (Harry Dresden)

Book Notes

The Dresden Files, book 1

Okay, yes, I might have read this book before. And yes, I might have read it a number of times before. Okay, yes, a large number of times before. Sometimes, however, you just want to sit back, relax, and read something you're familiar with. Again.

What I found interesting about this reading of Storm Front is the reminder of how rough Butcher had fleshed out Dresden's world. There are a lot details like how a soul gaze works, and why electronics self-destruct around wizards, that Butcher doesn't have quite worked out. And, of course, this is unsurprising, since this is the first Dresden book, and Butcher was just getting started. The Dresden banter, however, was there, and, oh boy, was entertaining.

And yet, even with the first book, Butcher manages to plant clues that are referenced and revealed ten, twelve books later. Love it.

Another thing I didn't recall about this book just how much Dresden and Murphy were at odds. Their relationship evolves into a better friendship with significant trust, but in this book, the trust hasn't been established.

I will likely keep not reading this book as frequently as the other Dresden books, many which I like more anyway. Still fun as an establishment of the Dresden world.

Of course I recommend the Dresden series. I don't recommend reading this first one more than once, though, unless it's been, say, four or five years since you read it last. Then, yes, reread.

The Dispatcher

Book Notes




Along with Kay, Butcher, and maybe R.R. Martin, I'll pretty much read anything this man writes.

Or, in this case, listen to.

The Dispatcher was a free audiobook by Scalzi and offered by Audible free for a month or so. I picked it up, but wasn't going to listen in any rush until Matthew Weier O'Phinney asked me if I had read it yet. I jumped on it, starting it today and finishing it today.

It's a futuristic mystery. Well, maybe. Take one aspect of death and change it up. How does life change?

Enjoyed it. Totally worth the price I paid for it! (I crack me up. Was a fun book! Quinto's reading of it was great.)
