Leviathan Wakes

Book Notes

I picked up this book because I had watched the first few episodes of The Expanse on the Syfy channel, and had enjoyed them. What I was not expecting was to so completely and thoroughly enjoy the book, too. I mean, yes, I know that only very rarely is a movie or television adaptation better than the book version: books can convey nuances that are difficult to translate to any visual medium. At best, you can hope for a good movie with the same two sentence description of the book, so much being lost in the change of medium.

And yet, even with that knowledge, I was still surprised at just how much I really enjoyed this book.

We have space. We have plausible science fiction. We have yet another genre that I really like, but saying so in a review would give it away. At dinner with Luke and Jonathan, Luke let slip a small part of the ending that might have been a disappointment to learn, had the television series not already given it away, so there's the twist at the end. We have annoying politics. We have intrigue.

And we have a lost girl, an idealist, and a whole lot of adventure.

I really really really liked this book. Recommended. I've already started reading book two, Caliban's War.

I really like this doggie



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Can't stop laughing


Oh, I know that I shouldn't be laughing this hard, and worse, laughing this hard at someone's ignorance (which is way different than stupidity: ignorance is that you haven't learned, stupidity is that you can't learn), but, I really can't stop giggling at this one.

The question:

We wanted to explore the option of storing all files in the database rather than to the file system. Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks.

The first answer in the forum to the question:

New one on me, I am under the impression that a database can't physically hold files, only data.

And I can't stop laughing.

Those files? HEY! THEY ARE DATA!


Okay, yes, only some, others are ephemeral, existing in memory, but in this case, no, files. On disk.

Can't stop laughing.


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