That small need of human contact


Recently, I changed the route I walk to work from the bus stop. Instead of optimizing for time, hopping off the bus at the closest stop to work, I exit the bus a stop before and walk through a park on my way to work. The stroll in the morning among the trees and grass and fountain is one of the small changes I've done in my effort to optimize for delight in my life, instead of optimizing for time or efficiency or duty. I have yet to stop in the park and sit on the bench for any length of time, but that delight will likely happen soon.

With my route change, I now walk in front of a homeless guy who sits just outside a staircase near the park. He sits in a disabled person's chair, a hat full of some change on the ground in front of him. He says hello or nods to most people who walk by. Most people don't acknowledge he exists.

My style of walking down streets involves looking at people, often not looking away. This includes noticing homeless people. It also includes having a difficult time not addressing said homeless people as people. I definitely flinch away from some. This guy, sitting at the park entrance, fascinates me in some way.

The guy is old and thin. He smokes. He has squinty eyes, kinda like a thin Popeye. His eyes are blue. He's never clean shaven but doesn't have a beard. Last week after I handed him a fiver, he commented about trying to grow out his hair, to which I responded, I keep cutting mine off!

This morning, I decided to ask him where his dog had gone. I had noticed the guy missing from his usual spot last week, only to pass him as he put on a sweatshirt behind a bush near the park entrance. He had a dog with him when he was changing his shirt, but I hadn't seen the dog since. He seemed confused at first, then explained that it wasn't his dog, he was just watching it for a friend. He started mumbling a bit, and I didn't follow the story as it wove around the dog's decreasing weight and current location. The guy became animated, lucid, and loud when he started talking about his dog, and how he'd never keep his dog around this area, too many blacks.


I liked the guy until that point.

He is an old man who talked a lot when someone would listen. He is like a lot of elderly people in that way: they talk a lot. They do it because no one will listen, so when they find someone who will, they talk and talk a lot. It's a innate need for human contact. Not the shallow, superficial connections we make online in social networks like twitter and facebook, where we know only what people present online, and the relationships are rarely as we imagine them to be. More the human contact of the touch of a long-time friend who comforts you in your darkest hour, the hugs hello and hugs good-bye, the calming touch on the back of the neck from a loved-one. We want this contact, we crave it.

Maybe this guy receives the human contact or conversations he needs. I didn't get that impression.

And maybe I'm projecting.

I miss the camaraderie of an ultimate team. I miss bridge night. I miss being four doors down from some of my favorite people in the world. I miss the crazy hikes, the Trail of Tears stories, the Fort Funtown adventures with beagles. I miss communal dinner. I miss the "KiiiiIIIIiiiIIIiiiItt!" calling from little people who have fallen asleep on my chest. I miss seeing them grow up.

Yeah, likely projecting, but, man, that need for human contact is raging in me right now.

The Overlook

Book Notes

Harry Bosch, Book 13

Lots of references to Echo Park and the screw up that it was, in this book. I didn't recall that in the last book, but, hey, let's go with it.

This is a short book. I read it in two evenings, with a monster headache happening during both evenings. It was classic Bosch: someone dies, he follows a trail, OH LOOK IT MIGHT BE ANOTHER BAD COP (you weren't going to read this far into the series, were you? Okay, maybe you are, but I can't possibly be spoiling the plot or the outcome because THAT'S HOW EVER SINGLE BOSCH BOOK ENDS: the bad cop did it). There was only a passing reference to a tunnel.

Surprisingly little jazz in this book.

And no woman / sex line. More than a little refreshing. Oh, and a new partner! Who doesn't go along with Bosch! Win!

My conversation about the book at work went something like:

> Not recommended if you haven't read the previous 12 books in the series and liked them
I feel like this is the reading equivalent of "It gets good about 40 hours in"

Nope. Never really gets good. I just like the cranky main character.
Here's the plot of every book in the series: someone dies. a bad cop did it. tunnels.



Yeah, so, if you're reading the series, clearly you like them enough to keep going, so yes, read this one, too. If you haven't read any Bosch, read books 1-3 first and see if you can stand this many in this series. I'm going to 19, or two bad ones in a row, which ever comes first!



Coworker today sent me:


I was more worried the link worked than anything. :)

I clearly need better links. WTF is up with that horrible url?

Bee on a dandelion

Daily Photo

I really miss having these little guys around.

Delight begets delight


We've taken to heading out to the local park after dinner and throwing the disc around. I'm out of shape, and really wanting to be more physically fit, so I don't really mind having to run all over the place trying to catch the crazy throws that happen. A lot of them I just can't get to, some of the catches impress even me. And I run run run. It's great.

Today on the way over, I commented that I wanted to enjoy the time out running around. I didn't need to play coach, correcting everyone's throwing style or fixing everyone's follow-through. I wanted to and could just go out to the field and throw a disc around.

After about half an hour of the big one turfing his forehands, followed by one loud grunt of frustration on his part, and I broke down. When the disc came around to me, I demonstrated how the big one was throwing the disc, and whoop! nearly straight up it went. He giggled. I then explained he needed to keep his wrist and elbow level, and release horizontally, demonstrating what I meant. He picked up the disk, thought about the movement, went through the motion a few times, gripped the disc, and then threw it.

It went flat. It went far. It went right on target. It was a flight of beauty.

The look on the big one's face, the expression of delight at such a perfect throw that he had just thrown, that small person's epiphany at what he needed to do and the realization that he could do it, was totally worth breaking that small goal of mine.

I like appreciating these small wins. Delight begets delight.
