

Yes, Bella looks like a wet dog, because she is wet. She's also cute, adorable, less stinky and still alive.

wet dog

Still alive part N


Haven't REALLY been counting these. She's still kickin' it!




Not so happy we're dashing off for the day, especially since we're driving by her old home, but she'll forgive us.

Related: still alive.


Must be a good dream


Given how long she's been smiling.

Related: still alive!


Just being


I've been trying to relax. I'm not very good at relaxing, at just being. I'm working on it. I'm working on that, and at being grateful for everything I have, and at letting people know I appreciate them.

Being at Dad's place, I've been able to relax a bit, and just be. After being chased by Chris in Dad's truck, playfully of course, more like I raced the truck giggling the whole time and he let me win, I lay down in the front yard and just was.

The feel of the sun on my face, the sound of the birds, the slow swoosh of the intermittent traffic driving by, the grass on my back, knowing that Dad was going to be okay. For a moment, yeah, I was able to just be.

It was nice.

I want to try this more often.
