Advice from Andy's dad


Remember to clap and cheer loudly and enthusiastically.
It's surprising how much it means to the performers.

Good advice for life, I think.

Dinner success


Ah, another successful communal dinner tonight.

It had been a while since I'd been to a communal dinner. There hadn't been very many recently, and the few there were, I wasn't able to go to because I was either out of town or had other plans already. Having not seen the big group for a while, I missed the dinner crowd, and sent out an invite. On the menu: salmon fajitas!

Usually, when we make salmon fajitas, I also make homemade tortilla's from Ariel's mother's recipe, but tonight I just couldn't bring myself to the extra effort of making forty tortillas, in addition to all the other fixings. I just couldn't.

So, I didn't.

Ah, did it feel good.

The plan was to start cooking at 6, eat at 7. Usually when we I say that, I'm off by 30 - 45 minutes on the start time. So, to balance this, I bought chips and salsa to sooth the hungry guests. With Katie's help, however, we actually had everything cooked, out on the table, and ready to eat by 6:56 PM.

Take that, non-believers!

Oh, and let me tell you, not eating chocolate, so that brownies for dessert are okay? So way worth it.

Yeah, he's that good

From:     Andy Crews 
To:       Kitt Hodsden 
Subject:  Re: pickup excitement

Yeah, and at the previous pickup Sunday:

1. I pulled.
2. I ran down and caught the first pass, threw the goal
3. Next point, someone else pulled
4. I ran down and lay-out blocked the first pass, caught the goal.

that was exciting , too.



WIth last week's migraines and being behind with work all week because of them, I hadn't really moved much last week, much less run. I had hoped this week to be better, and plunked "Run" on my to do list. I managed to be distracted for a couple hours in the back, trying to catch up with my compost bins, I'm always behind with those compost bins, always more to put into them for composting (have you seen my back yard?).

So, when Kris came home and asked if I wanted to go for a run with him, I was both excited (yay! running!) and nervous (running? with Kris? He'll be bored!). He wanted a slow run for the first half, and a hard run for the second half, so thought a run with me, followed by a repeat of the run by himself at a faster speed, would be good.

What? Spend time with my husband? Hot damn! Let's go!

I should have known better. I really should have.

I managed to make it 20 minutes before I was doubled over with cramps, and not because I had eaten less than an hour before the run. I told Kris to keep going, I'd turn around and run back, and he'd catch up to me quickly enough. He did, and kept going as I walked 10 feet, doubled over in pain, stood back up, walked 10 feet, doubled over in pain, stood back up, for a good 50 meters. Eventually, the cramps subsided and I was able to start running again.

Only to be stopped by my right knee acting up.

A large number of stretches: calves, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, calves again, and I was able to run the last mile home. Kris was starting the second half of his run as I was still a quarter mile away from home, and paused to make sure I was okay before he took off zzzzzooooooooooom!

I managed to fall into the house before sideswiped by the cramps again. The whole time, the only really coherent thought I could manage was, "Well, at least I'm not pregnant."

On my to-do list


Ever wonder what's REALLY on someone else's to-do list?

No? Yeah, well, me neither.

Okay, how about this one? Ever wonder what's REALLY on those index cards I carry with me everywhere?

No? Yeah, well, I wish I didn't either.

In an attempt to confront the tasks on my to-do list that I really don't want to do (rather than just, say, pay a college guy, my mom, or Martha to do the items on the list), I'm going to publish it for all the world to see.

At least, until I'm too embarrassed about it, and stop.

Until then, you have my permission to ask my why the items on my list aren't done yet. Not that I've actually given SERIOUS THOUGHT to how long these tasks are going to take me. I mean, who does that? Plan a day? Sheesh.

Kris was surprised when I made the list public. Perhaps this isn't such a good idea.... We'll see how long it lasts.

Today's to-do list!

P.S. I made my bed today. Guess when days 14-30 are going to start up?
