Come home, Santa, come home!


On the way to work today, I noticed the music store where I bought Kris' guitar had signs up, "Store closing!" and "Everything must go!" and "Fixtures for sale!" As I walked into the office from the parking lot, I gave Kris a call. "Have you been thinking about getting an electric guitar? Because, this store is closing, but I don't want to buy something just because it's on sale. But, if you were thinking of getting one, now might be a good time."

He hadn't been actively thinking, but was definitely interested.

So, after lunch, Shirley, Doyle and I wandered over to the store to look. Oh, why did I put myself in that situation? Why, oh, why? I mean, here I've been trying to minimize my stuff, get rid of my crap, and I was standing in front of a guitar I was sure Kris would love to have, hey, we're going cheap here, and an amp that's just simply adorable, and well, crap. So, I called Kris and asked him what he'd like, and oooooooo, yes, please. He would like the one, pretty please.

I told him okay, but, well, it was his Christmas present this year. If I bought it, that's it. I'm off the hook for the rest of the year. He say, yes, please, yes, Santa, he'd like his giftie early, thank you.

Walking around, I commented that, well, if Santa wanted to, oh, I don't know, buy a bass guitar, I'm sure I could find a use for one. He was very excited about this thought also, and commented he was coming home early tonight! Doyle helped me carry all the crap back to the office, and back to work we went, trying really really hard to finish the accidental volunteer project.

Around dinner time, I wanted to show Kris something, but couldn't find him via IM. When I called his cell, he answered, "Santa? is that you Santa?"

I'd have to say, yes, that was Santa.

Greener grass


Talked to Mike today. He took today off, having worked until midnight for the previous two nights trying to complete a Herculean task that, well, really was more than one person should have to do. He was just tossed the task and told to make it happen. Unfortunately, he hasn't been able to hire the people he needs to delegate.

He was in good spirits, but told me several times, "The grass isn't always greener on the other side."

Yeah, I know this. I understand the amount of freedom Doyle and I have with the current working situation. I realize there are exchanges made: time for money, freedom for security, flexibility for comfort. It happens. The trick is finding the balance that doesn't chafe, that fits well, that, well, just works.

I haven't found it yet. Here's hoping I find it soon.

Finally fired 'im


Gah. It's the ninth of November and I've barely posted anything this month. What a disaster, as I try to catch up on all the posts that I've written but not published, or outlined but not written, or what have you. I hate posts that say, "Uh, duh, sorry I haven't written, so I'll just write about not having written." Stupid crap. No one likes to read that.

The good news for today, aside from the fact I'm actually writing, which is always a good thing, I think, is that we finally fired an impossible client today.

The client is one who has been with us for a while now. Despite our best efforts, and that's my effort, Doyle's effort and Mike's effort, we weren't able to keep the client's projects from heading into scope expansion and feature creep. We thought we'd learned our lesson with the first part of the project, and explicitly spelled out what we were going to do in the second part of the project, and hopefully make back some of that loss. I'm not sure why we thought we would able to correct the failing relationship and management this way, we weren't.

Finally, I just started saying no. Any idea how hard saying no is for me? It's hard.

So, we told the client we were done. We wouldn't be continuing working on his projects. I can't believe how much relief I felt at this. However, I'll believe it when the project is actually transferred away.

Yay! Postfix book!



The first of two Postfix books have arrived. Time to fix the mail server issues that I've been struggling with forever now. Well, if forever is defined as two months. Which it could be, given the right scenario. I guess.

Whoo! The postfix book is here!

Gah, I can't believe how excited I am about switching both an MTA and a mail server. You can probably count the number of people you know who feel that way on one hand.

Maybe two fingers.

Stinking poo


You know, picking up a stinking mass of dog poop on a walk has to be one of the least desirable actions when you're sick.

Even if the dogs are cute.
