Today's track workout


Stupid girlie tears.

At today's track workout, I ran pretty much by myself. The warmups and the plyometrics were in a group, but the rest of the workout was "at your own pace." On our way to the workout, Kris warned me again, "don't overdo it." Although this is really good advice in general, it essentially gave me permission not to finish the workout, and giving me permission to slack is never a good thing.

The full workout was supposed to be:

For those not at homestead, here's the track workout:

Warm up 800m

Form running/dynamic stretching

squats (x30, x25, x20)
lunges (x15, x15, x10)
ankle hops (x25, x25)
squat jumps (x10, x10)

4 lap fartlek (sprint first 50m of straights, jog rest)

2x400m (90s rest between)

4x200m (60s rest between)

... but the rest between sets was actually much shorter for the 200s and longer (to 120s) for the 400s. I ran the first 400 in 96s, beating my goal by 4s. The first 200 of that 400 I ran in 46 seconds, much to my pleasure when I realized how consistent I was in that 400.

After the first two 200s, I was thinking UGH, my legs are beat. I considered just being done with the workout. Then I thought about two weeks ago at the Stanford workout, and how I hated not finishing the workout. I then realized my legs were tired, but it was the achy sort of tired that I really like.

Suddenly, not finishing was no longer an option. Stupid of me to think it was ever a possibility.

When I crossed the finish line after my final 200, I looked down at my watch. Before running the 400s, Doyle told all of us to pace ourselves: we wanted to be running the 200s as fast as the 400s, and not jogging them.

Well, sure, 46s is a crappy 200 time (a VERY crappy 200m time, in fact), but it was certainly quite consistent.

I even cried with joy when I realized I managed to finish my first Mischief workout this season. Only took me long enough.

My end of the bargain


be healthy
be supportive of the team
which you do admirably already
take some initiative
do your best
don't be afraid to fail

Cementer of Quirks


When Adam Rifkin added me to his twitter and his flickr friends list, I wandered over to his site and started reading. Adam and I went to school together, though I suspect he remembers me as much as I remember him. Sound familiar?

He explained that "I find karma" is an anagram of his name, with a link to the Wordsmith Anagram.

I immediately typed in Kris' name. The first reasonable match was all of five anagrams into the list of like five hundred options was, "CEMENTER OF QUIRKS."

He didn't find it as amusing as I did.

Some of my good ones include "THY DARNED HONKS", and "THY DANDER HONKS."

Other choice ones:


and my new favorite: "HOT, SHY, DANK NERD"

Last theme I do by hand


This is so way the last theme I do by hand.

After putting it off for, well, nigh years, we've finally decided to do our corporate website. We so way needed to do this like 18 months ago. Silly us.

I have a design that I'm partial to, which is just the plain HTML. My thought on doing a Drupal theme is to start with the HTML and replace the static text with the dynamic text. Doyle takes an existing theme and modifies it to do what he wants.

I'm not sure which approach is better. If I had to guess, I'd say Doyle's is, because I nearly hate doing themes, though I'm not 100% confident of my HTML/CSS either.

Just 95% confident.

Time for that theme generator.

Air lick


I am licking the air. It is salty.

Dumb dog.
