Kris + bad mood = Kitt

On the way home from Labor Day, I was driving along 17, stuck behind some car whose driver decided the best speed to drive was the exact speed the car next to him was driving. The driver was clearly not a 17 regular (not that I am, either, but I do know for the most part how to drive that road), as he kept braking in the turn, instead of before the curve and accelerating through the turn.

Kris heard various mumbles, "Move it!" "Come on! What the heck are you thinking, person?" "What are you doing braking now?" and other obvious frustrated mutterings.

At some point on the drive, the curves favored us, and the car in front of us was two and a half car lengths in front of the car in the lane to our right (on this two lane highway), allowing me to slot between the two cars and (shudder!) pass the speed-matching car in the right lane.

As I did so, Kris piped up, "You should pull in front of them, and brake."

Stunned, I replied, "That sounds like something I would say."

"I'm in a bad mood."

"The part of Kitt will be played by Kris in a bad mood today."

"Yeah, well..."

Enough painkillers, and anyone can play.

Today was the first day of the Santa Cruz Labor Day 2005 Ultimate tournament. As I've been battling a bizarre hamstring injury, I was a little nervous about playing. However, since there are at most four, at minimum two, tournaments left in the club season, I figured I'd better load up on painkillers, taking four ibu to start, and get my ass on the field.

Our first game was against Red Fish Blue Fish. Kris was calling subs, and called me in third point on defense. He obviously recalled I need to be in early to get the burst of hurried activity to burn off the extra andrenaline and nervousness, in order to calm down and play my game.

Not that I particularly managed to find that groove today. Not on a night of alcohol-induced, disaffected sleep (cursed Drupal meet-ups and their alcohol happy people!).

Switching verb tenses here. Which I hate doing, but, it works better this way.

So, the pull lands out of bounds and the Fish line up with Archer with the disc, and Rebecca deep.

Yeah, we know where this one is going.

One step fake in, and Rebecca cuts deep. I have no idea what the mark on Archer was like, but it must have been good, because three hard steps downfield later, I hear the up calls, and find the disc over my left shoulder in a ridiculously high r-squared arc.

I'm still five yards behind Rebecca at this point, and I need to catch up now. Full dig, I can get there, the disc is floating. Run hard run hard run hard. I catch up as the disc looks like it's going to float right. I lose Rebecca as she drifts right for the disc.

Back out of present tense.

Somehow (somehow!), I, who rarely read a floater disc well, managed to find the exact spot where the disc was arriving eight feet off the ground and went to it, successfully batting the disc away (missing the catch I was actually attempting, but the end result was the same).

We scored the point from my D.

Later in the game, on a turned disc when we were on offense, I was running a continue cut for Emily, secretly praying she wouldn't put up a huck, while still, admittedlym running deep anyway for her, when she put it up forehand.

Now, normally, I would have been able to see the forehand come over my right shoulder and run it down easily, as my defender was on my left (and wouldn't you know, it was Rebecca again). In this case, however, the throw was wildly shanking left, and dropping fast near the sideline.

Rebecca had found the disc in the air and went to where it was dropping, one step behind me. Because of the angle of fall, however, her attempted swipe at it as it dropped down over her head was a trailing edge attempt (trailing edge is the false god!), and she missed it by mere inches.

I didn't. Less than six inches from the ground, I plucked the disc from the air, in a brilliant trailing edge grab.

As we were deepest, I had no one to throw to immediately. Kris was ready as my dump when his defender ran past him to poach on my throw, so I dumped the disc to him.

We eventually scored that one, too.

My moments of brilliance.

Not that it helped much. We lost that game, and the next, and the next. We played vert tentative. We were afraid to cut, we were afraid to throw the easy throws to the open cutter. We played scared.

My only other memorable play of the day was in the Monkey game, when we turned over the disc on our goal line, and when I looked downfield to find the deepest threat, I saw some tall guy running deep, looking over his shoulder, arm raised calling for the huck. Deepest threat, go go go.

I sprinted two thirds of the field length at full tilt to catch up to the guy, running by two of my teammates, and arriving at the player, just as the sideline he was nearest to opened up for a huck to him. My presence thwarted the huck and all other throws to him long enough for my teammate (and this guy's true defender) to catch up. I was pleased with my defense, but the play wasted my legs for the rest of the game.

So, as a team, we played poorly. We lost all our games today. We haven't had that happen before.

Welcome to Northern California ultimate.

I wonder what tomorrow is going to be like when the painkillers wear off.

Egg white ewwwww

Note to self: when mixing egg white protein power and juice, do not mix them like you were taught in high school and college chemistry, or how you mix your soy sauce into the wasabe.

None of this mix a little of the liquid in with the solid, stir until incorporated, then add more liquid and repeat.

Oh, no, none of that.

Just dump all the juice into the protein powder and friggin' shake it like a mad woman.

You'll end up with a protein lump if you try it the "correct" way.

Yum. Protein lumps.

We're in business!

The DSL guy just left. He spent a little over an hour and a half installing the DSL line in our new offices. The process would have been much quicker if the people assigning IP addresses to our account had actually told him the correct IP addresses that were routed to our lines.

But that's dodging the first point.

Mike and I are officially in business!

Somehow, he convinced Kate that, yes, starting a company with the neighbors was a good thing.

That those neighbors included me was purely coincidence.


When I called and told my mom what we had done, she was overjoyed. When she told Eric, I think his reaction was something along the lines of, "Well, it's about time."

People have been saying that a lot to me in the last few years. Probably because I've actually started doing what I've said I was going to do who knows how many times or for how long.

As in, from the Shawshank Redemption, "Get busy living, or get busy dying."

But Eric was excited.

And Kris wants to know when we're going to hire him.


We had looked at probably 10 office spaces over the last 6 months. Starting a company or not starting a company seemed to be dependent on the workload of the moment (too much work = not enough time to look for offices). We kept our eyes open for a good place that we both liked, realizing that we were doing well without office space specifically.

But we found some!

Our offices are located in downtown Sunnyvale, close to the Sunnyvale Caltrain station. This was the first office within our price range, with a good location, close to home (I can bike to work! Heck, I can walk to work if I want!), and a decent size with good lighting that wasn't run down or vibrating all day long. One of the places we looked at sat just over the input ducts for the airconditioner for the building: every time it went on, my feet went numb standing in the office. It was a cheap-ass place, though: $1.25 / ft2.

Next up ... furniture!

After looking in the dotcom graveyard, er, office furniture warehouse, we settled on L desks for the office. I tried to convince Mike of a large round table, but we couldn't find one large enough for four people to sit around with computers and monitors.

So, L desks it was.

Mike has one desk of the L style, so he purchased two more like it, nominally of the same wood color/type. Kris and I helped him carry them up yesterday. Will probably set them up tomorrow.

Whoo! Exciting!

Journey to Vim

Okay, here we go.

Done did got me my binaries.

And a tutorial.

And, in theory anyway, a reasonable setup from Andy (theory only in as much as I have nothing to compare it to, but I'm sure it's beautiful).

QS rescanned my dirs, so it opens with three keystrokes.



I'm all set.

Mike is just going to love this when he starts hearing my cursing from across the office when I use the wrong editing strokes.
