Better than Gu! It's butter!
So I didn't make either.
I went up to the City last night to have dinner with Cal and Elina. I drove Cal and me up to the City (broken car and all), for we had missed the train (thanks to my desire to add just one more detail in a client project before the weekend started).
For the record, I know of no other man who enjoys eating as much as Cal does. I've witnessed the pure joy he exudes several times, and each time it makes me smile.
I, for example, have been avoiding eating desserts these days because the pure sugar tends to make me feel ill. Not a problem for Cal, though. Not only does he enjoy his desserts, he does so with child-like glee, finishing off a flan with a "not even a waaa-fer theen mint?" full stomach.
And salt? WhoO! Red top soy sauce, please.
The one that gets me, though? The butter. In particular, the drinking of melted butter with a hint of garlic. I can't say I realized I knew anyone (anyone!) who would drink butter until last night.
Elina (henceforth known as E) commented through laughter, that she figured Cal was ripe for diabetes in early adulthood. Cal laughed when I readily agreed that no, not diabetes, but yes heart disease was a distinct possibility.
And, yet, as I wonder about the potential illneses in his life, I have to concede that he enjoys consuming food far more than I do. And given we eat every day, I would have to say, he's enjoying life far more than I am.
Might it be he expresses his enjoyment better than I? Nah. I doubt he worries about getting enough B vitamins or magnesium in his diet. I doubt he worries about eating enough vegetables every day (in as much as he picks off the vegetables in all his sandwiches, I don't think he does). I doubt he even thinks, "I need to consume more protein today, as I haven't consumed any and it's eight at night and I've played three hours of ultimate today." Of course, that statement presupposes his playing ultimate.
I can't say I'll start worrying less about what I eat, but I think I'll start enjoying it more.
Then maybe I'll take less than four times as long as Cal does to eat.
* Gu is a thick syrup "nutritionally formulated" to provide energy during exercise. I generally prefer Clif Shots.