So Happy!


Everyone should be this happy about a milkshake!

Nom Nom Nom


One of the things I tend to suck at is stopping work. I miss out of I don't know how much social interaction because I'm head down working (for myself, for others, for a company, for a friend, on a project, on a book, on a tutorial).

When an offer for SOCIAL INTERACTION comes and I recognize it as such, well, then, time to enjoy life and new friends.

So, today I tried Nom Burger with Moazam, Mark, Jenn, Mike, and Diallo.

I'm doing better at this not-being-so-busy

The Poopy


Seriously, this dog is adorable. And smart.

The Aftermath


Yeah, the aftermath of Sunday's Chocopocalypse means I can't use (read: won't use) my laptop until it is cleaned out. Took me a bit (and a friend of a friend) to find the new screwdriver for the itty bitty teensy tiny T screws that are in the new MacBook Pros.

The damage isn't as bad as I thought it was. I cleaned out the chocolate, wiped off as much as I could, and closed everything back up.

Here's to frequent backups and fingers crossed.


Daily Photo
