... you meant 'repack'

bash-3.2$ git emacs index.html
WARNING: You called a Git command named 'emacs', which does not exist.
Continuing under the assumption that you meant 'repack'
in 0.5 seconds automatically...

Well, that was unexpected.

And kinda nice, actually.

Second Best Time


This was originally posted on The Pastry Box for 1 September 2015.

A friend from many years ago emailed me recently. In part of our email exchange, he talked about parts of his life I had missed in the years we hadn't been in touch. He let me know about a new hobby, and commented, "This is something I should have started thirty years ago."

Not much of the conversation stuck with me other than that comment of his, which was accompanied in my mind with the (possibly a) Chinese proverb:

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

In contrast to the quote, my friend's comment seemed hard to me. "Should" can be such an ugly word, especially when used with regret. It is judgemental. It is dismissive. It assumes you were wrong with a previous choice.

"I should have done this."

"I shouldn't have done that."

We are all making the best choices we can for ourselves, given the constraints of knowledge, time, and motivation at any moment. Who is to say that one choice is better than the next, even when looking back?

So, yeah, maybe my friend should have predicted the future with uncanny accuracy and known when he was five what he wanted to do for his entire life. I maybe I should be kicking myself for things I've done or left undone.

I'm not going to kick, though. Instead, I'm going to go plant a tree.

Today is the second best day to do it.

Bridge of Sighs

Book Notes

Not recommended.

I did not like this book. This book was yet another Mom book in my stack of books. I started the book and was struck immediately with how much it read like the Brothers Karamazov. After which I thought to myself, "If I wanted to read the Brothers Karamazov, I would read the Brothers Karamazov, and I have already read the Brothers Karamazov, so I don't need to read this." Which is pretty much true. I've read that book, but I read that book because it is a classic Russian, which this book is not.

I did not enjoy this book at all. I had to force myself to keep reading it. I asked Mom about it after I finished it. She didn't like it either. She really likes some of the other books by Olen Steinhau. Not this one.

Not recommended. At all.



Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Book Notes

I found this book on the list from https://medium.com/@Hipstercrite/book-recommendations-for-smart-ladies-who-like-smart-ladies-82d365d9bc28 Having recently read Being Mortal, having recently had to accept the frailty of old age as I watch the grandparents and parents age, and having recently noticed just ALL THE GREY HAIR I've had (really, I've had it for a while, shaving my head rather brought them out), reading this book didn't seem too far out of the current progression.

I am glad I did.

I highly recommend this book. All my family members are getting this book, possibly others. I might buy many copies of this book for the library at work, I think it's that great of a great book.

The book's description includes the paragraph:

"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes tells an unusual coming-of-age story full of bizarre encounters and unforgettable scenes. Caring for dead bodies of every color, shape, and affliction, Caitlin soon becomes an intrepid explorer in the world of the dead. She describes how she swept ashes from the machines (and sometimes onto her clothes) and reveals the strange history of cremation and undertaking, marveling at bizarre and wonderful funeral practices from different cultures."

... which I think is a good description of the book. I don't agree with the "strange" and "bizarre" adjectives in the book description, necessarily, but the rest is good. Doughty (gah, I really want to say, "Caitlin," as after reading this book, I would love to have as a friend) does a great job of weaving stories of her life though an inventory of different customs surrounding death. I knew about many of the ones described, but a few were new to me.

At one point in the book, she speculates the lack of customs and mourning around death, has lead to the obsession of youth in the United States. Without any experience or research into the subject, basing my opinion on the cultural views of death gleaned from American literature since the 1700s, I have to say this speculation rings valid to me.

After reading this book, I feel more comfortable in planning the funerals of my parents, and helping with those of my grandparents (hoping all of them are a long way away). We won't be embalming, since that is pretty much an expensive way to keep their bodies around. Embalming is for the living, for those unable or unwilling to let go just yet. I've been trying very hard to let my family know that, with all my failings, I'm doing my best and I love them as best I can.

That my family can have the conversations about funeral arrangements, years before such discussions are necessary, is a gift that Doughty as given us. I can't express my appreciation for that gift enough.

I highly, highly, highly recommend reading Being Mortal and this book. The pair of them, old age care and funerals, wow, such great reads. Incredibly timely.

One way to lose me as a customer


Start by sending me emails that I can't opt out of without losing access to the infrequent relevant emails about your services that I actually care about.

Increase the frequency of these emails after your company has been bought out.

Have a breach in your systems such that I receive spam to the email address I use for only your company, deny there was any hack on your systems.

Send increasingly urgent emails about an action I need to take to continue using your service. When I open said emails, let me know you just want me to fill out a survey about your most recent sale.

And finally, send me an email with the subject "FINAL NOTICE," and contents letting me know that the deadline to complete said survey is today.

Well, today is also the day I move away from your services and cancel my account.

Good work, you. You've successfully lost me as a customer.
