Confirming identity


"Hi, I'm calling from the water company. May I speak to Kitt?"

"This is she."

"Hi. To confirm identity, could I have your date of birth?"

"Absolutely not. You called me. I have no way of verifying who you are."

"I'm from the water company. I need your date of birth to confirm who I am talking to."

"That's nice, but I don't know who you are, so no. What's this about?"

"I can't say until I confirm I'm talking to Kitt."




WTF? Seriously? Does that work with other people? Hi, let me give my personal information out to any caller? It's not like finding my date of birth is difficult, so using it as a way of confirming identity has to be one of the dumbest ideas ever.

Only two cups of tea


I am delighted to say, I have had only two cups of tea today.

Big Cup of Tea

Jason Selch's ticket


So, in sitting down in my seat on the airplane today, I found this:

It's a used plane ticket from this morning, for the seat I was in but on a much earlier flight than I was on.

When I find things like this, my initial reaction is to tear the ticket up into as many tiny pieces as I possibly can, and put them into separate trash cans. I do this mostly because that's what I'd want done to any ticket I accidentally lost or left behind. Yes, yes, I know, "HOW STRANGE." Not the point of this story.

Today, instead of the immediate shredding, I went ahead and looked up this "Jason Selch" who previously occupied the seat my butt was now gracing. I was curious about who would leave a ticket in the seat. I was curious if he, too, was an old, white man, like 13 of the 16 people in first class with me.

And right about now, you, too, should do that, too. Go ahead, google Jason Selch, because the results are hysterical.

Didn't Goog? I'll spoil it for you. The man violated the commandment, "Thou shall not drop trou and point your rear at the boss."

He mooned his boss for firing a coworker during a merger with the a--holes at Bank of America. He did this in a meeting. His boss wanted him reprimanded. Bank of America wanted him gone (see above).

He mooned his boss.


This is hysterical.

Of course, I can't say I really mourn the guy's loss of the $2M bonus he was due when he was fired for the mooning. I mean, it was a bonus. Of two million dollars. Bonus. Yeah, the man wasn't hurting, and he wasn't (isn't?) part of the machinery that actually _produces_ anything, he was (is?) part of the machinery that moves around money, scams people who actually earn a living, creates fake markets and bilks the people at the bottom, and blah, blah, blah.


He mooned his boss.

And my ass sat in the same seat as the ass that did the mooning.

This cracks me up.

Finding bugs


Okay, I know that software development is some parts writing codes, and a lot parts debugging code.

And I know that my finding a bug is much better than a customer finding a bug.

With this project, though, I'd really prefer to find ALL MY BUGS AT ONCE. I swear, I think I have it down, do one more test, and BOOM, hello bug number 472385.


I know I'm being thorough, and I'm happy I'm finding these bugs, not someone else. These bugs are the result of my not yet having mastered the framework and tools and software, so it's unsurprising that I keep finding them. Thankfully I'm not pissed off at myself either. Or worse, somehow thinking something is wrong with me because I didn't have a magical instant understanding of all things on this project.

I will say, after this task, I will _KNOW_ this framework inside and out, whether I want to or not.

Dog One, Dog Two


I miss them both. Stupid dogs, burrowing their way into my heart.
