Back on track


I missed yesterday's sprint workout. I was both so burned out from working so hard from Monday morning straight until Tuesday night, which actually meant sitting on my ass for near 27 of those 38 hours, and good lord, does my back hurt.

Since I can't cram for fitness, and let's face it, running for 42 minutes on one day and sitting for two days straight doesn't exactly lend itself to good health, I decided to head out for my sprints.

That, and the fact that 20 minutes before, I realized that I was both still in my pajamas at four in the afternoon, and very, very smelly. No sense in taking a shower before sprinting, only to take one after, so off I went to run.

Today's workout was:

1 stinker, 2 stinkettes, 4 suicides

Once again, I so way did not want to go. I don't know why this is. It's a workout course that I committed to. I guess committing to something and actually wanting to do something are two different things. I don't WANT to do the sprints, but I DO want the results of the sprints. That's what keeps me heading out to the fields and running sprints.

Well, that and Kris' encouragement and Andy's inspiration.

So, the first run was hard, but good. I attribute the difficulty to my attrocious eating habits as of late: good food, just fewer than 1800 calories a day of it. The second run, the first stinkette, was okay, but nothing to brag about. I managed the first few down and backs of the second run before my right foot cramped from the laces being too tight. I stopped, loosened the laces, and started back up again.

Unfortunately, I didn't count the number of stinkettes I was running, and ended up running 3 (and that half). It was only after I finished the third one when I realized the time on my watch, indicating I had run 3 (and a half) and not two.


The four suicides became difficult after my knee started hurting. I had an A.R.T. appointment yesterday, where the doc worked on not only my right hamstring, which has been REALLY bothering me as of late, but also my right shoulder (from THE layout), and my left knee, which has been stiff.

I managed to get my money's worth on that appointment. However, my knee was bothering me during the last three suicides. I had to adjust my cutting style to minimize the pain.

Not that it helped much. I was struck with the worst cramps when I was done sprinting. It reminded me of menstrual cramps, but much, much worse. Like, not able to stand up worse. Not sure I'm particularly pleased about that type of pain, actually.

So, back on schedule with the sprints. Yay, near consistency!

Find the Bella


My view at lunch today:

My thought was, "Heh. Find the Bella."

Oh, THERE she is!

I love my friends


I love my friends. Not only because they're all good people (that's a necessary requirement, so if I like you, you know you're a good person), but because they're funny, insightful, supporting and caring.

They're also really smart! And articulate! And adventurous (omg, are they that). I'm pretty sure I'm not seeing all my friends through my rose-colored friend-loving glasses. Or, if I am, it's because both Jessica and Mom are looking through the same glasses: both have commented on my circle of friends being the most awesomest. They may have left off the "EVAR" part, but that was understood.

My friends are also creative. Did I mention creative? I mean, check this out, my Christmas present from Shirley:

A custom, hand-knitted cover for my Nokia phone. You know, the really expensive one the company bought me out of spite for Mike's iPhone? You remember, the one that doubles as a bluetooth modem so that, if I have a phone signal, I have Intarweb™. Yeah, that one.

Here, look at the cover close up:

Yeah, that articulate part? Shirley has a blog, too. Actually, not one, but two!. But, sshhhhhhhhhh! We don't talk about that one.

Hi, Shirley!

Even more spam


One action I find remarkably annoying is the placement of advertisements on my car when I'm shopping. I head into the store, buy my crap, come out, find my car after wandering around in the parking lot clicking the clicker, waiting for the little chirp of the car alarm. I'l finally find my car, only to discover papers tucked under the windshield wiper, advertising something that I have exactly zero interest in.

And if I did have interest in what was being advertised, I still wouldn't frequent the establishment out of protest for their choice of advertising method.

Once you have one of these papers on your car, it's not like you can just toss it somewhere. If you toss it on the ground, say, in frustration, and a police officer sees you do this, hey, look, a ticket for littering.

And placing on the car next to your car doesn't work if the owner of that car comes out and sees you tagging his car with some advertisement.

No, you're forced to carry this unwanted piece of trash home with you and dispose of it (no, no, recycle it, please) yourself.

See why I'm annoyed?

Yeah, so imagine my COMPLETE annoyance this morning after kissing Kris goodbye as he left for work and looking out to my car, which is parked IN MY DRIVEWAY, and seeing this:


It's an advertisement for watch repair. WATCH REPAIR. Like I own a watch with moving parts.

Oh, wait. I might.

Day of cosmic significance


What the heck is it with March 2nd that every single freakin' event is happening on that day? It's clearly a DoCS day: Day of Cosmic Significance. There's some City event I want to attend.

There's the travel for the Drupal conference, which I am attending. There's the SFUC final tournament. There's Mischief's first sponsored pickup on Sunday (and why is every single elite team sponsoring pickups this year? Is it because there aren't enough players to go around any more?).

There's a Master Gardening event that day. And a project due that day, which means I need to get it finished by Friday. Did I mention the college ultimate tournament this weekend? No, I don't think I did. The tournament for which I can't go to both days, and Kate isn't available for either day.

Oh, and it's one of my sprint days. Can't cram for fitness.


Oh, I just realized what it is, and why it's important.

It's Heather's birthday.
